he put it into words

i just saw this on ali’s blog and i have to share it here too. im that excited about it. in a post on flash vs no flash, Mike Colón absolutely explains how i feel about photography. it isnt about perfection. its about the moment.

The answer is sacrifice. You have to give something up in order to get results that excite you and inspire the artist within. You must give up perfection! Perfectionism only provokes fear and fear is what holds us back in pretty much every area of our lives. I love the way Joe Buissink puts it when he says “There is no such thing as a perfect image, only a perfect moment”. He is so right. If we allow our creativity to be tied up by the “rules” of photography, we’ll find ourselves bored; creating those mediocre images that look just like everyone else’s.

let that soak in.

a little late, but worth the wait, i hope

while we were in san fran in october, i found the most amazing place. someone mentioned it on my blog and as soon as i knew what it was i absolutely had to visit.

the store is called timeless treasures and it is located on sutter st.

basically, you walk into the store and you see this:

your heart is palpitating isnt it? isnt it??

and this:

and this:

and jeff found me here, in front of this heavenly cubby filled with every antique letter of the alphabet. i was dying. i didnt want to leave. i could have stayed in the store for hours upon hours upon hours. unfortunately jeff was with me, and would have none of that.

and this is what i purchased, and they shipped it home to me. in october. and i finally found the perfect place for it, right here:

i love technology….

wanted to share this with you guys.


2gb sandisk card that folds up and can plug directly into your USB port, no card reader needed! how slick is that? edited to add: i didnt catch that this was not a compact flash-its an SF card, perfect for point and shoot digitals. they had better come out with this sweet little number for CF cards next!

i heard about this from my favorite kooky photo site Photojojo. this is taken from their site:

congratulations. It’s your lucky day! You just found one damn fine photo newsletter.

You probably own a digital camera and you’ve probably taken a bajillion photos with it. You may have printed a few.

Well, it turns out there’s a whole world of things you can do with your photos and with your camera that nobody ever told you about. We find the most kick-ass photo tips, DIY projects, and gear and bring them to you.

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