our drewey.

has mastered the music book and thinks his chances of getting a spot (one of only four) to play in the concert are pretty high. he has gotten really good, really fast. much better than i was playing the flute in fourth grade. how crazy is it that i remember it so vividly, remember hating practicing for thirty minutes everyday. remember cheating and not learning the notes, writing the letters above them. remember thinking i should have chosen the drums. i wanted to learn the drums so bad. but we didnt have enough money to buy them-you couldnt rent drums for some reason. so i had to rent a flute. me, with a flute. just weird!

but drew with a violin just isnt weird at all.

he is such a sweet young man. he really is a young man now. my drewey. little lanky, freckley, glasses slipping down his nose drewey.

this is the answer to the question: why do you do this?


the last few weeks, all of the kids have been really into my old albums. they all love to see themselves as babies. and drew reads my thoughts out loud to them and so many times they are laughing over what i said. its the best feeling in the world, to remind them of how they were, and remind ME of what they were. its exactly EXACTLY why i wrote it down in the first place. to someday in the future read it with them and laugh about it. smile about it.

its the best feeling man, the best feeling!!!!