now planning: AZ and TN

i will be heading to AZ in march and TN in april, and the planning for both is starting now. if anyone wants to get on either of these lists, please email me ASAP. TN is almost full and AZ has a few spots left.

the dates i am most likely going to be in AZ are march 15/16-18

the dates for TN are “to be announced”.


ed. a lot of you are asking about boston…i took it off the list because i wanted to do it in march, but it wasnt working out. i may add it later in the year if i have enough interest for it. email me if you would like to book me in boston. only serious expressions of interest please!

new options for sessions

after hearing from many of you, ive found a lot of people looking for a more flexible approach with pricing options. so rather than having it be all or nothing, ive worked to make a structure that can be more accomodating to many different needs.

im trying to make it so that people on a budget can still get beautiful family portraits, while also providing the whole enchilada for those of you that desire it. even my travel sessions will now be priced differently.

i have updated everything in the sidebar, so if you are interested please check it out.

and just because a blog entry without a photo is BORING, here is where we are planted every saturday. flag football for the two gentlemen in our lives:





i just edited and uploaded this image through an online photo editing website i heard about through my fave photo newsletter, Photojojo!

How cool is this? Especially for people without photoshop, or photoshop knowledge…this program does a really good job.

ed. i wanted to process this in photoshop to see the difference. so here is what i did in photoshop, to compare. this pic wasnt the best. the kids are totally out of focus, but its the only one i got, so oh well!
