
its not quite official yet, but here is my waiting page while we finish up my website!


i am so happy with the awesome job chris has done-she took all my mad ramblings of ideas and information and corralled them into one really kick ass logo and website. the fill in the blank for just be _______ is my favorite part.

i am literally DYING to be done with it and show it off. soon soon soon.

more from the beach





random info:

the “new greg” (his name is sam) was very good. they played a video from greg before the show started to talk about his disease and his decision to leave the wiggles-it was so sad! i teared up. but sam is a great replacement. mckenna was excited about sam. he is in a yellow shirt and has dark hair just like greg, so i bet a lot of the little fans didnt even notice.

drew made it into the honor orchestra-they picked four kids out of 90 or so to be in the concert. its this thursday. he is excited. so are we!

my website is almost finished. i am SO EXCITED to show it to you guys!! ill be posting more info here this week.