just be.

emily took a class from amy tan at sweetpeas and snapshots in february. amy taught the class her reverse applique technique and emily made me this shirt.


I LOVE IT and i want to wear it everyday.

and speaking of amy, things like this happen in my life so often and its starting to freak me out. about two years ago i met a woman at a class donna downey was teaching at my local scrapbook store, scrapbook oasis. she was wearing a really cute tshirt (and im so mad that i dont remember her name, because ive met her more than once and i think she is adorable) but i asked her where she got it and she told me it was an amy tangerine shirt. i looked amy up when i got home and was so bummed she didnt have photos of her shirts on her website, but after some searching, found her stuff online. i thought to myself, this girl really needs photos of her work! i thought about emailing her, how cool would it be to do that for her? never thinking in a million years it would ever happen. well, fast forward two years and once again the world is so much smarter than i give it credit. how we manage to hook up with people so naturally….i know it is so meant to be, but it boggles my mind.

so back to present day-emily met amy and amy then learned about me through emilys blog. emily says to me one day, “i wonder if amy would want to use anna and ivy as models!” and we giggled at the possibility of it. but it turns out, she DID want to use them as models-and me as the photographer! last week i went up to LA and shot her line of kids t-shirts. we used the girls and two little boys that live near ivy. it was awesome!

how crazy is that?








ed. you can find some of her designs right now at kitson and blackwagon…the other designs are coming soon to a boutique near you.


this morning we walked outside to get in the car and go to school and anna goes,




thank you so so so much for all of the amazingly nice and wonderful comments on my last three posts. you guys really know how to make someone feel special. seriously…THANK YOU. its been fun reading the comments. im so glad the photos touched you like they touched me.

ive got my first travel session this weekend in arizona-ill be there saturday and sunday. cant wait.


patricia contacted me about doing a generational photo of the women in her family while they were in san diego on vacation. they are all from mexico city, but only her mother and grandmother still live there. they were going to be all together, so perfect time for a shoot!

i was totally excited about it because its a huge break from the norm for me. i decline large family groups all the time because its not my thing-but this type of shoot is exactly my thing. so we put our thinking caps on. our original idea was a couch on the beach–but we couldnt get that figured out. but i did borrow a bench from a friend and used that for a few.

i really cherish that we as women are lucky enough to have such a special connection with each other. it is something that is very important in my life. the connection between mother and daughter or friends is like a little bit of magic. being there with them and being able to get to know them for just a small amount of time, i saw what in incredible connection they have. not only are they all GORGEOUS with perfect skin and beautiful eyes, they have the best personalties. and i think they got a kick out of my poor attempts at spanglish.

i got the best response ever from patricia and her family-i have to include it here. it is so touching. im keeping it forever.

“Finally, they both make it to the slideshow. Mariana puts mom on speakerphone and I call my dad, so we are all having a conf call while looking at the slideshow.

Slideshow starts. oohs and aaahs all over. Suddenly silence from Mom, and then, tears. Really, she was crying. She was so excited and loved them sooooo much. Some comments were like: look at you! I love that one! I want that one in a 12×24. Your grandma is going to love that one, we need 5 copies of that one. . . You know, the typical initial comments.

But then, we paused it and went over each one.

And it was great to discover the details that make them awesome, the fact that you captured us the way we are. The Tara Magic. The smiles from Mom and Grandma. Mom looking at the camera (thank you, thank you, thank you!!!) Mom and grandma hugging and smiling (this one had ME in tears, and no, they weren’t pregnancy hormone related tears). Our hands!! What an awesome photo! The symbolic tree, us smiling and just hanging out even though we (ok, they) were freezing. . .

My dad was simply amazed and regretted having a meeting that day. Even though he is a man of few words, he couldn’t stop saying “look at your grandmother, she’s laughing, that’s unheard of! Look at your mom, she looks stunning. Look at you! And your brother, is that a smile? We had all forgotten he could do that.”

I think I love them all.”

tara here again. my favorite is the one i already posted. but i will also show some of patricia’s favorites.











and remember-we are all beautiful in our own ways. each and every one of us.