you know when you get really sick and you’d rather be ANYONE other than you or even better, dead?


that was me this weekend.

felt a sore throat coming on thursday night and thats when the party started.
ive been to the dr three times, had two shots, taken i dont know how many vicodin, and cried i dont know how many tears!

i even called my mom yesterday and sobbed into the phone, ‘i want my moooOOOoooom!”

on friday they thought i had strep throat. on sunday they thought i had an abcess in my throat that needed to be drained. after two high dose antibiotic shots and some prednisone, im better and they have referred me to an ENT.

bad news:
had to cancel two photo shoots with people who dont live here!
missed nathans championship game where he won and his football party
im impossibly behind on emails and work
that whole wanting to die thing

good news:
caught up on sleep and TV
my mom did my laundry (for that, i just might go through this weekend again)

so if you are waiting on an email response from me, im going to work really hard to get caught up today, since im feeling like i can sit up and function a little bit.