arizona, part 2

my first senior session (not counting my two sisters) took place in arizona and features kate! i TOTALLY lucked out and got the most adorable girl and found the coolest locations. as i was driving to her house i passed an abandoned lot with an old white house on it.

of course we totally crashed that party!

this was taken inside the house-the doors were open. this old wallpaper was such a freaking AMAZING SCORE!

another one taken inside the pink kitchen….love the light on this. its so soft and pretty…



her boyfriend hopped in a few…




arizona, part 1

like i said when i shared a photo from their shoot-this family has been through a lot in the past year. they experienced a horrible tradedy and i wanted to share their story here to raise awareness and help them in any way i can.

this is from Anna:

On July 20, 2006 I went in for an induction and when the nurse went to hook me up to the monitor she could not find our son’s heartbeat. After our son was born we found out that his foot had gotten tangled in his umbilical cord and cut off his life line. He was perfect in every way. He weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz. and was 21.5″ in. long. We named him JLB, which stands for Jack’s Little Brother. Through out my pregnancy we could not decide on a name so we started calling him JLB and when things happened the way they did that day we didn’t feel like we could change his name, so JLB it remained. I hope that one day our son Jack will think of it as a gift, that his brother was named after him.
I was always one of those people who thought stuff like that doesn’t happen to me and now here I am. Going through the weeks and months that have followed the death of our son I realized that there should be more for us…..more guidience….more understanding….more support. My husband and I are in the first steps of starting a memorial fund through our local hospital. The goals of our organization would be to offer support for the parents and to provide them the things that they need to make this time a little easier. To educate medical professionals on how to handle a grieving mother and father with care. Lastly we would like to build a children’s memorial park in our town. Not everyone is comfortable with going to a cemetery but if there was a place where they could go to remember their children I think it would be a good thing. No matter when a person loses their child that child has touched their lives…their hearts …..and their souls forever. It is good to remember our babies because that is how they live on.

Stillbirth results in 28,000 deaths a year and that number is increasing. If you are interested in raising awareness in your community you can check out some of these websites to learn more.

when anna contacted me she said that after the last year, she wanted to capture her family right now as they begin to start over. what i saw in them was a tender and strong connection and it was an honor to be a part of their life for even the small amount of time that i was.











i have so many sessions to share and i dont know how to start, so today im just starting with the first one and over the next few days will have more to show!

this family was on vacation here in so-cal and booked me for a beach shoot. the beach was gloomy and cloudy – perfect light for photos! we had a lot of fun together-i loved their family dynamic.







its been super busy at the whitney house the past week. spring break for the kiddos and lots of home improvement stuff going on. the kitchen table was just the beginning. its so exciting!

oh and speaking of the table-yes we all fit there – haha (we have a tiny house so we make do) and for those who asked: the color is glidden evermore “golden marguerites”.