three totally random, unrelated things


we have five tickets to see five for fighting at the wiltern in LA this saturday, april 21st at 8pm. jeff and i bought tickets for us and the three oldest because they LOVE FFF. jeff has thrown his back and we arent going to be able to go now. if anyone is at all interested please email me. i dont want them to go to waste. you dont have to buy all five and ill sell them cheap! you’d probably have to be pretty local to me to have them by saturday night. (


we are having our bedrooms repainted and i cant choose between these two greens for the girls room. i had them color matched to my two favorite green cardstock colors. dont even know what color or brand they are. i love both of them for different reasons. tell me what you like best!



we want to have this long grass planted on the slope in our backyard with a sprinkling of wildflowers here and there. we have asked at various garden centers trying to explain and no one knows what we are talking about. jeff took a photo of what we want. does anyone know what this grass/groundcover is called? its really popular here but no one knows what it is called!


thanks in advance for the help. i love you internet. :)

ed. tickets are taken! thank you so much! going with the lighter green. its soooo hard to choose but i think its what i want, and painter joe likes it best too. still not sure about the grass. i think maybe ill take that picture and post in a gardening forum or something? none of the pictures look quite like what we have here.