boys who want lizards and lizards who just want to be left alone

we get lots of lizards lounging on the warm stucco of our house and outside retaining wall.
and we have lots of kids who have gotten pretty proficient at catching the suckers.

this time they caught two big ones-both missing tails due to the capture, but not loved any less for it.

we kept them for two days and then we had to have a talk with poor nate. he cried when he let them go. i know the poor kid needs a pet. but i cant handle anything less than a dog due to allergies and heebie jeebies. and i cant handle a dog either due to my wobbling sanity.

so for the moment, they have to create pets wherever they find them. be it lizards, snails, rolie polies, or each other.



thanks for the comments on the mini golf pictures. we were at Boomers. And, yes i was laying on the ground on my stomach for the shot of kenna pushing her ball. im not afraid to let my closet contortionist out to get the shot i want. have a good one guys.

oh-and we havent moved forward on the grass yet, but from photos we are pretty sure we want creeping red fescue. no prizes for the winners and no parting gifts for the losers though……just a big internet thank you for the help. :)

mini golf

can you believe over spring break was the first time our kids had ever mini golfed? we all had fun, and i got some funny pics. i want to go back to this place for a photo shoot!


mckenna and anna did this insanely funny shuffleboard push technique with their golf balls.





after mini golf, we hit some rides.



