phew-playing catch up

hey everybody!

okay before i forget-a lot of you asked what type of flowers i had. they are called ranunculus. you can click here to find out more about them. they are easily my favorite flower. love the color combos.

i also took a photo of the setup at the top of my stairs for those that asked and emailed. i purchased the shelves from aaron brothers agers ago. some oldies but goodies for the photos. found the jars in various places. i recently filled them with goodies. one has tickets in it-from movies/concerts. one has wine bottle corks from special dinners. i write the date on them. one has my favorite candles in the world (that pier one no longer makes) so they are being horded. one has my favorite incense.


also took a photo of the window ledge in my front room. i found the clipboards at a scrapbook store-they are 12×12, but i dont know who makes them.


those are honestly the only interesting photo groupings i have in my house at the moment. we had our bedrooms painted so everything is off the wall and im not sure what im going to do yet in our rooms.

so…back to work.

jennifer s had a great idea! if you have a cool idea for displaying photos in your home, take a pic, post it somewhere and link it in the comments so you can inspire us all!

snapshots around the house from april

man what a week. i just want it to be over so i can move on! i feel so overwhelmed and heavy with my emotions. my poor family is moving in a very tip-toey circle around me…giving me space and trying to save themselves from being sucked into the dark vortex that is my mind.

deep breath.

thankfully, there is always something to smile about! always something to lift your spirits. you just have to search them out sometimes. that is why i surround myself with things that make me happy. why my photos and my scrapbook pages are geared towards that same thing-something for me to see to make me smile. why i buy things for my house – i want to be able to look around and see things that i love. things that inspire me to want to keep smiling.

my favorite flower:

yes i really do have this sign on my downstairs bathroom (got it at staples) DEF makes me smile:

a note from nate post it’d onto my computer:

above my kitchen sink (flowers from anna spilling out of my tiny vases):

a little girls imagination:

if you are having a rough day, week, month, year…take a step outside of yourself and look around you. find something to make you smile. and hold onto it until eventually you dont have to look so hard.