i have fallen in love with another woman


Chip, the dog.

minnesota was great. people were great. weather was great. sessions were great. it was a shock to come home, to the LAX airport, and not have people bending over backwards to be nice to you. i got very used to that in good ol’ minnetucky. also, the second i got onto the freeway i had a shiny black suv cut around me and cut me off. i thought, “ahhhh home sweet friggin home.”

family met me at my favorite place for dinner. everyone very excited to see me, yelling MOOOM! and running into my arms. except drew, who acted all cool and funny and walked past me saying, “oh who are you again?” and then i tackled him onto the pavement and licked him on the cheek. THATS WHO I AM BUDDY. and dont you forget it!

but back to minnetucky. so lovely. cathy gave me lots of love and yummy food and laughter. dan showed me his stomach and asked me to marry him. cole obsessed on star wars and made me laugh. aidan always calls me donna, and so i started smacking her on the top of her head to train her to say tara. and chippy. ohhhhhhh sweet chippy…….she followed me around and i love her and i will never love another dog.

i may have to fight cathy and her real owners though. i guess.

another highlight of the trip was getting to see margie pargie puddin’ pie.

always a treat to lay in the marshmellow bed with you baby. and talk about good and funny and raunchy stuff.

my clients were also awesome, but i cant share those pictures yet. :)
thank you clients! for allowing me to come out and meet you and photograph you and have an all together great weekend.

now, i have about seventeen thousand photos to go through and proof. ill be underground for awhile, with my miners cap. wish me luck.

two dirty knees

these pictures remind me of years ago, with just kenna and drew, obsessing on the teletubbies (oh i loved the teletubbies) one episode was about po’s dirty knees. “two dirty knees, two dirty knees”



i love this girl who loves to get dirty, even with her tutu on.

(im on my way to MN right now as this posts-i have a couple blogs set to show up while i am gone.)