he is on my list

pete murray | opportunity

im in love with him and the use of words in the video.

im glad i cracked you guys up-its too good not to share sometimes you know? i love that i live with someone who makes me laugh everyday. we laugh a lot around here. i definitely do get in on the rough housing but usually i leave it up to dad and put my headphones back on. :)

cold heart

as it happens every morning, when jeff and i get showered and dressed all of the kids seem to gravitate to our room and start messing around on our bed.

jeff puts music on the computer-loud and not my choice of song usually. so thats what starts the grating on my nerves. then once he gets out of the shower he gets dressed and starts playing with the kids. rough housing, tickling, throwing them around on the bed.

so i have obnoxious crap music blaring in my room and screaming giggling kids.

just so you are all aware, i get overstimulated really easily. so why does she have four kids you ask? well, i ask myself that question sometimes as well. but usually the only times i ask that question are when im overstimulated-so its just a vicious circle really.

for example-WHEN WE GET READY. all of us getting dressed, they are asking me questions, what do i wear, can you brush my hair, where are my glasses, can i wear this shirt with those pants, no? why not mom it matches! do this button, tie those shoes (oh how i hate tying shoes) not to mention the pain and agony i go through most days just trying to figure out what to put on this …… body of mine.

add to the mix-jeff. and his loud obnoxious music (wait did i already say that) and jeff. throwing around the kids in his own small version of WWF.

today i turned around and snapped “STOP IT!”

and they all kept on with their little games.

so i said again, “CUT IT OUT YOU GUYS!”

this got a bit of a reaction from anna, who ran over to my side.

so i walked over to jeff and punched him in the shoulder to get his attention, “DUDE-IF YOU WANT TO PLAY LIKE THAT THEY HAVE TWO BEDROOMS WITH PLENTY OF ROOM THAT ARE VOID OF A MOMMY GOING INSANE!”

to which he replies, “okay okay.”

he stops. walks up to me and hugs me.

“its too bad you just have a cold, cold heart that cant stand the sound of childrens laughter.”

the nerves melt away. i smile and we laugh.

and that is why i love him.

and they carry on.