they said:

waiting at a traffic light this morning anna opened her window and stuck her head out.
“mom! it smells like centipedes out there!”

sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch. nathan looks at me and serious as can be asks me out of the blue, “mom, can i be the ruler of the universe?” pause. “um no,” i said. “WHYYY?,” he whined. “duh. Because IM the ruler of the universe!”

went in to mckennas room to wake her up last week. she was under the covers. i pulled them down slowly to wake her up with a kiss and she opened her eyes wide, looked me in the eyes and said, “i dont want to be your monkeywrench.”

we have been addicted to guitar hero lately, drew kicks ass on medium. we were playing a multi-player pro face-off and he beat the pants off of me. he is such a good sport too. never one to rub it in my face he screamed, “YOU JUST GOT SERVED! WITH A PLATE OF FRIES!”


hey have you guys noticed i put a myspace link to the right?

yes. i got a myspace and added texting to my cell specifically to be in closer touch wtih my younger sisters. apparently EMAIL IS TOO HARD FOR THEM. and the phone? puh-lease.

its texting and myspace or nothing.

so here i go plodding along towards the future of our children. myspace and texting. what next i ask?

telepathy? what could be easier and more convenient than texting? telepathy is all im coming up with.

and girls, if you dont know what telepathy means dont you dare text me to ask.

ITS CALLED A DICTIONARY. look it up, as our mother used to say.

dont google it….dont you dare google it.

barns. they just seem to find me.

driving to my next house in minnesota i passed a barn on the side of the highway. i dont remember what highway it was or the exit now, but when i saw it i did that happy wave my hands in front of my face deep breathing thing i do when i get really excited.

so after we took some shots at home



we went over to the barn.




i think momma chose this shirt just for me.

we then walked around downtown anoka



today i am posting from my kitchen table. the loft is in full swing. it is framed, drywalled, and taped. today they are sanding (the messiest day of the whole process) the drywall to get ready to texture it, and then paint. lucky for me my imac transports easily.


the doors are off my kitchen cabinets and the kitchen is a mess because we are having the cabinets repainted. no more 1990’s oak cabinets. we are doing them black, with some of the cabinet faces painted with black chalkboard paint so we can write notes to each other.

until tomorrow……..
peace out.