they say

drew is very into the phrase “certain someone” at the moment.
“a certain SOMEONE said i couldnt go in their room.”
“a certain SOMEONE just hit anna.”
“a certain SOMEONE would like a coke please.”

cracks me up.

nathan came in behind me while i was shopping on urban outfitters dot com, i had the purses up on the screen. he said “WHY DO YOU like purses so much?!” and threw his hands up in the air. i said “have you been taking lessons from your daddy boy?!”

just in case you want to know, i bought this and this and these. almost bought this-almost too good to pass up. but not sure where to put it.

jefe (his long running nickname from me-jefe means “boss” en espanol) making me roll on the ground laughing last night after a slightly inebriated friend of my neighbor (who also happens to be about 60) hit on me in a sweet and not at all successfull manner. “you still got it tara! he may be drunk, and he may be sixty-but baby-you still got it!”

and we all say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my uncle mike. without whom i would not be blogging from my sweet iMac. we love you uncle michael!

a session i was nervous for

the family of miss audrey woulard.
audrey contacted me to see if i could shoot them while on vacation here in san diego – and let me tell you i still have her email saved in my “happy mail” folder.

its always an honor to me to be hired by a family. it sounds cheesy, but it really, really is. it means a lot to me that i am trusted to turn my camera on anyone! and allowed a piece of their life. its a different ballgame to be hired by another photographer. its being validated by my own peers. and its super fun to work with them because they always have great ideas.

i have been lucky to be able to shoot several other photographers i admire: barb, (now sporting a killer new website), carrie, kirsten, shannon, krista (in seattle, to be proofed), and todd.

check out their websites-maybe if they are in your area you can call them to turn their cameras on YOU!

so back to audrey. just a fun fun session. the above mentioned carrie met up with us, and brought her orange chair for me to use on the beach. thanks again carrie! i loved getting to meet audrey. she is so down to earth and cool. she is one of those people you immediately feel at ease with. like you can just plop down and have a drink and chat. and i LOVED HER BOYS. she had me all worried that they wouldnt warm up to me-but in the first two minutes i said the magic word “naruto!” and had them all eating out of my hand like baby tigers. haha!she actually has four, but one had no desire to be involved in a session and she didnt feel like forcing him.

her husband was happy to know she wasnt the only one who got excited about trashed couches in alleyways-he thought we were all crazy!







