IM’ing with jeff, re: our new floor

Jeff: is the floor really everything you wanted and more?
Tara: why do you ask
Jeff: it is a big investment
Jeff: i saw the 1st couple boards going down
Jeff: it looked ok
Tara: we cant turn back now man
Jeff: but i wasnt blown away
Tara: it looks great
Jeff: i know we cant
Tara: i love it
Jeff: i just hope it is everything you wanted and more
Jeff: if not it is ok
Tara: you always make snap judgements about all decorating
Tara: paint colors
Jeff: OMG
Tara: old windows
Jeff: stop it
Tara: yellow chairs
Jeff: i dont care
Tara: :)
Jeff: i care about what YOU think
Jeff: i want YOU to be happy :)
Tara: yes, i think it is everything i wanted and more
Jeff: good
Tara: but i dont make snap judgements
Jeff: haha
Tara: so i will let you know when an entire room is done
Tara: it needs to soak in

Jeff: they are not snap
Jeff: they seem snap because i combine 32 years of experience into a finely tuned instant judgment.

for the record, the first room is done and its everything we BOTH wanted and more.

had a gas with the gassers

like they’ve never heard that before right?

we ran around huntington beach like we owned the joint. it was crowded. more crowded than ive ever seen it. taught me not to go back on a weekend evening in the summer. chaos!



how cute are they? i love how the oldest takes after mom, the youngest takes after dad, and the middle is a perfect mix of both.




i had fun with their oldest. love this age.


