my fatty boomba

this baby satisfies every baby urge i ever get.
sometimes its hard knowing i will never have this again…
so im glad i have friends still in the baby making years.
i can kidnap and pretend. then give back when its cranky time.

i havent taken as many yindi photos as i would have wanted. this summer was a BLUR…but here are a few when she was just a couple of weeks old that i havent shared yet.




and here are some that were taken two weeks ago-when emily’s mum jeni was here visiting.




this is my new favorite baby shot EVER



i also grabbed jeni’s husband scott and took some of them cozying up together…


and then one of me and the kiddos for good measure-our last trip to the beach before school started!


this stuff was made in new york city!

the first thing that happened when we landed in new york: we got in a cab.

we left the airport, got on the on-ramp, entered the freeway, and what is he doing? why is he pulling over? why is he stopping? who is that man getting out of a black car and WALKING UP TO OUR CAB?! OH MY GOD WE ARE DEAD WE ARE GOING TO DIE THEY ARE GOING TO STEAL OUR MONEY AND KILL US AND DUMP US IN THE RIVER! why is he smiling at me? is he hiding the knife in that plastic bag? oh that is your brother? and you forgot your lunch at home? oh how nice of him to wait for you here. your mother would be proud. no, no its fine-no i figured it was something like that.

and that! is new york city. not at all what you think its going to be.

jeff and i walked so much the first day there…i thought i was going to die. i am so glad he came with me, to get me set up and used to the city, learn together how to use the subways and learn the lay of the land. i was so proud of myself when he left – reading the map and heading out on my own.

these were all taken at the top of the empire state building.






and these while walking around.







grand central station on the left and the chrysler building behind it…


while riding the subway:




attempting to take a ferry to see lady liberty (we got there too late)


once jeff left to come back home, i got down to business and had six sessions before coming home myself. three in northern new jersey and the rest in the city. i met incredible people (as usual) and really enjoyed having an entirely different kind of backdrop to use with my clients. thats what i love about doing this most of all – getting out of the orange county beaches and finding something that inspires me all over again.

thank you thank you thank you to each and every one of my clients who braved the heat and humidity and my wacky ideas and gave me the awesome opportunity to come to the east coast.

and now, i must get back to work. august/seattle clients-your sessions are coming up next. i am so behind right now and im so sorry. im just a one woman show-doing my best to do a great job for all of you!! i appreciate your patience and friendships so much.
