its going around

the “eight things you dont know about me tag.”
ive been tagged many times in september and august and normally i dont do tags (no offense to those of you that do!) i have this unrelenting side of me that refuses to do anything even remotely similar to a chain letter. on principle. for the good of humanity. and no, it has absolutely nothing to do with the underwear chain letter of 1994…

but this tag thing has been unrelentless too. so we talked over coffee and decided that just this once, it wouldnt hurt anybody. no matter that i dont think there are eight things you dont already know about me (that i would write about HERE anyway)

but here goes:

1. i used to want to be a model. i was tall, and thin back in the day. which meant basketball player (uh, no) or model. (okay now we are talking) i took a runway class in eighth grade. (i wore polka dots to the finale-on.the.runway.) i went to john robert powers (or maybe it was that other one-the one that starts with a c. casanova? casablanca?) with my parents around the same time. but my big break came when i was in high school and the local newspaper photographer came to shoot a photo of the winning mock trial team. he pulled my mom aside after and told her i should model. that was such a huge boost to my self esteem back then. it felt good you know? nothing ever came of it-the only thing remotely close was during dress up and pose photo shoots with my best friend jalayne in high school. i should scan some of those puppies. also, unrelated but kind of related to my image on film – during a photography class in college, “self portrait” was the theme of our final. i took a photo of myself and then cut it into a ton of different pieces, pasting it together, overlapping and making my face abstract. i have to admit, it was a pretty picture of me. even abstract. the professor asked “who is that-thats not YOU.” “no, no-thats really me.” “THATS YOU?” in front of the whole class. thanks professor, so im photogenic but extremely disappointing in real life. lovely. (that is a really long number one)

2. one of my first homes was a trailer. im not embarassed. its funny now, that trailer park and white trash are such common slurs. but yep, that was me. age 3. age 5. i remember every detail of that home. it was 70’s hippy love and i was in the middle of it all. my best friend was a boy next door named taco. there was a lady up the hill that had a pet tiger. we had a dough boy. my dogs name was poopy.

3. i was bald until i was almost four. i used to wear hoodies on my head and not my body, and pretend to brush my hair. my cousin jennifer had long gorgeous brown hair. so i called it my jennifer hair. they called me bubble head. (and then, that stuck even after the hair grew in, for reasons unknown to me. could be related to the nickname my boss gave me at the preschool i worked at in college. thanksgiving week, we all had our own indian chief names. this was before PC was even coined a term. mine was chief walks with head in clouds. i dunno. not sure what they are trying to say.)

4. i went to eight different elementary schools. i was always the new kid. not fun. but it made me very open minded and adaptable.

5. i hate organized sports.

6. i believe in a spiritual world.

7. in third grade, i began voraciously reading all of vc andrews books. i will never like the color combination purple and red because of this. if you understand why, i think i love you. i had always loved to read but this is when it really took off, and never let up. i can read a book in a day, or less. and i would, everyday, if i could.

8. my closet is organized by color. i never really think about it, until someone new sees it and says shockingly “your clothes are organized by COLOR?!” i just think its pretty.

this is me, tonight, before putting the kids to bed-dancing in the bathroom door for anna. and that is her forehead.

“i don’t wanna grow up”

its saturday night and im tucking the kids in.
anna is looking upset about something, has tears in her eyes but the last i saw she was fine. i crouch down to her level (she was sleeping on the floor in the boys room) and ask her whats wrong.

“i dont wanna grow up momma.”

“oh hon, you wont be growing up for a long time-dont worry about it tonight!”

“but i dont wanna grow up momma!”

“why are you so worried about this right now?”

and here is where the tears come on, and the silky comes up over her eyes to cover them, “BECAUSE IF I AM ALL GROWED UP THEN I CANT HUG YOU AND KISS YOU ALL THE TIME EVERY DAY!” but it came out more like, “because if im all grOOOOOOoooooOOOOwed UUUUUuuuuUUUUUp then i cant hug and kiss you every daaaaAAAAAaaaaY!”

“oh baby! no matter how old you are you can hug and kiss me as much as you want! you will always be my baby-always no matter how old you are.”

“but i wont live HEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEErrrrrEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE when im a growed uUUUUUuuuuup. you cant tuck me IIIIiiiin at niiiight.”

“you can live here as long as you want. you live here in your bedroom until you are 35, mommy and daddy would love it! and if you want your own house, you can buy a house next door to us so i can come over and tuck you in every night.”

“but what if all the PEEEOPLE live in all the HOUUUSEEES and i cant LIIIIIIVE there?”

“we will make sure there are two houses next door to each other so that we can always be close.”

oh, if only the fact of the matter wasnt that she will change her mind in 8 years. or ten. if only she would always feel like this, always want me near her, ready to plant a kiss on her smoochy little lips and squeeze her sweet little body into a hug. if only my hugs and kisses could heal her forever like they do now-when she gets her heart broken by friends or boys, or doesnt get that job or that shoe doesnt fit and they dont have her size. if only she COULD stay like this forever, our sweetest little bambina-the one our whole family loves just the way she is.

if only.

anna & ivy, taken late august

backseat gamer

we have been spending most of our days this last week holed up in our room, watching tv, napping, and bemoaning our existence. we have depleted our tivo’d shows and our netflix movies, and i have finished two books. so today i am on the computer working (sitting up, hurrah) and jeff has turned to video games to entertain himself.

miss anna, who is finally showing us glimmers of her sweet self is in bed next to jeff, cuddling her silky, sipping sprite, and watching him.

in the last hour i’ve heard:

“dad, use your nunchucks.”

“dont waste your smokebombs dad.”

“cut off his arms daddy!”

“yea, now go that way-no, that way.”

“just go after him dad.”

“they kill you on instinct.”

“dad, this is going to be pretty easy i think.”

“do you need more health? yea. dad-get some more health.”

“i hate the sword guys.”

with much glee: “now you can blow up people.”

if you had told me ten years ago if i would be allowing my four year old daughter to watch her dad while he plays stupid irritating video games that i hate and wish to god had never been invented i would have vehemently argued that you were lying and been insanely offended.

but hey, she knows what she is talking about.