six years ago

she wasnt potty trained, she wasnt speaking in sentences, she wasnt reading, writing, doing math, playing tuba in music, playing soccer with friends at recess, buying her own lunch and putting in her own lunch code, singing whole entire spongebob theatrical score’s at the top of her lungs on the arm of the couch, slamming doors, getting the mail every single day after getting off the bus, telling time, putting on her own seat belt, getting dressed alone, washing her hands or taking a shower alone, chewing her hair, eating with utensils, she couldnt tell us what she had done that day, drawing and coloring and imagining, googling reeses peanut butter cups, sleeping with 50+ catalogs, physically scarred, or have an uncomfortable one sided relationship with murray from the wiggles.


the cuteness is all still in there.
photo taken at age six, in her second year of kindergarten.

photo taken august .07

oh its not her birthday. :) i found this old school picture last night while unpacking my stuff back into my scrap room/office and started reminiscing…….

it was like pulling teeth but i did it

i dont know what is up with me lately (and by lately i mean the last two years…) but i have the hardest time squeaking out a page. ive definitely lost the mojo and im not sure it will ever come back. it frustrates me and makes me feel horrible. i used to LOVE scrapbooking. everything about it. the friends, the stuff, the pictures, the finished product. somwhere along the way i stopped wanting to do it, and even started wondering why i ever wanted to do it in the first place.

one of the main reasons i decided to quit the design team at was in the hopes that i could get some of the joy back for this hobby. being a garden girl was SO fun and so awesome and i loved every minute. the team was a huge part of my life for a very long time. the friendships there were priceless. but it got to a point where i never wanted to do anything. and i got sick of forcing myself to do something i didnt want to do and wasnt having any fun with. and i didnt want to take up space in the team like a lame dog in the back of the pack. it was incredibly hard to make the decision to leave. incredibly hard.

so now where am i? things havent changed much actually. i think my creative outlets are being fulfilled in other ways (photography) so my mind isnt “in it” anymore. but im not willing to let it go altogether and give up.

creating these with my kit was RAD! ive worked with kits before, but not one that i put together! i think its a fun idea for all of you to create your own kit at home of your favorite things to take to your next crop or friends house. just put a bunch of stuff in an envelope and make all of your layouts with it. how easy is that? instead of lugging everything around? im going to try it next time myself.







i ended up having a great time and loving the final result. you can go to cocoa daisy to see detail shots and more images!