good morning monday

man i am a zombie today. the kids were late to school, i forgot book money for the book fair, and didnt have time to pack a lunch for nathan, who doesnt like to buy. to make it up to him i told him i would take everyone to get a shake after school.

and its raining. im happy. its all gray and drizzly.

Download 01_grey_in_l.A..mp3

listening to this today.
loudon wainwright III
grey in la
strange weirdos

ive decided im back in the weight loss game. no more regular soda. no more eating late at night. those are the two steps im taking beginning today. just felt like putting that out into the universe. you hear me universe? jeff is trying to motivate me to go to the gym with him. but i think thats pushing it just a tad.

i was totally totally inspired my my good friend christine, who came out from AZ this last week. she has lost 30 pounds since may and looks amazing. i always thought she looked amazing actually, even 30 pounds ago. but i am so proud of her and the willpower she has had. she likes coke like I LIKE COKE. she understands that need. and she stopped drinking it completely. i am so inspired by that. and she went down five sizes. and she just looks freakin HOT!

all of our crazy kids in my car on the way to christine’s favorite CA pizza place

the pizza place

and me and chris with emily at H&M

upper west side


these two are getting married in about a week!
we were supposed to meet up in central park, but there was a 5k going on and it was packed/no parking. we met up near my hotel on the upper west side (77th/broadway). there were a ton of places nearby that were meaningful to both of them, from bagel places to markets and we did it all.











and yes this means i have begun the NYC sessions!

little girls, little girls, everywhere i turn i see them

emily, ivy, and yindi came over yesterday. em needed some new headshots and other photos for a couple of projects she is working on, and we havent really had a chance to hang out like the good old days in a couple of months. we easily fell right back into our normal routine of laying on the couch and complaining about how tired we are while the kids ran amuck. because thats what we do best when we are together. lounge around and complain. oh, and shop and eat. also complain.

once we got through with all that, we went out into my front yard to take those photos she needed and the little girls followed us out. they both recently got the same pair of crocs, but in different colors so they were sharing. friendship crocs.


and this is just how i like little girl hair. long and ratty. if there is a twig stuck in there even better. that means they’ve been playing in trees.


i did not pose them for this, except to ask them to stand in front of me and let me take a photo of their long hair. anna instinctively and protectively put her arm around ivy, and our hearts melted into puddles.

and cant post this without a picture of everyone’s favorite baby at our house, even though no one can say her name right. yinni? windi? HER!
