
anna has been quite befuddled lately, about the moon.
she doesnt quite grasp how we revolve around IT, and yet IT always seems to be moving. edited-okay obviously i would lose the gameshow “are you smarter than a fifth grader”? i have told her that we revolve around the moon, but actually we are both revolving around each other.

so out of the blue today she says, “mom, im not even going to look at the moon anymore, if its FAKE.”

and i said, “what makes you think the moon is fake?”

“well,” she puts both hands in the air and pumps her fists, “There HAS to be a FAKE one that follows our car at night!”


btw-i wont be home this weekend-any client inquiries or emails will be answered on monday.

the only thing she got from me

her chin.

this is a little series i like to call: laughing at jeff. (all of these were taken in october while they were evacuated because of the fires)


this one makes me want to cry! those thighs and teeny ankles and wrists! she looks like she is dancing!


this weekend we are going to try and recreate “baby on the stump”, or maybe wait until she is sitting up and get a different vantage point…

little weasel

this little weasel asked me on the way home from school yesterday if they could play video games after school. i said no. after much whining, so much whining i would rather have been in a pit of starving monkeys on feeding day at the zoo, he gave up. compromising with the boys on video games is kind of like how the democratic congress must feel trying to compromise with george bush. like, huh? except oh i forgot, goerge doesnt compromise.

an hour or two after being home and getting homework started and everyone settled, i came upstairs to put on some music and check email when i heard the YOU KNOW WHAT turn on. the YOU KNOW WHAT that my dear uncle mike gave to the boys this weekend. for which they love him for.

so i thought my head might start exploding and the only way i know to remedy that is a nice satisfying yell. so i bellowed down the stairs, “WHY?! IS?! THAT?! THING?! ON?!”

and drew says, “you said we could play!”


“yes you did!”


thats when i hear it, the ratting out of a brother.

drew: “nate-why did you say we could play?”

ohhhhh and you can bet thats when my blood really started to boil. what with that pit full of monkeys from earlier, and my strong conviction.


but then THAT little sheepish face comes moping up the stairs towards his own execution, and its all i can do not to give in and let them play, so i channel all of the calm mommy spirits and i quietly look at him with that you are SO busted and i am so tired and WHY MUST YOU TEST ME look and say, “please go in your room and do not come out.”

verdict: guilty.
sentence: grounded to his room for two days after school.

today he came home from school with no mention of video games. instead, the first thing was about a new friend. named hemingway. who is a girl.
i LOVE this kid.