“the envelope please, darling…”

“thank you.”

“after several hours of tallying and reading, the winner is……”

“number FOUR!”
(clapping and whistling from the audience)
“second place is number ELEVEN, with 95 votes.”
(more happy clapping, some YOWs!)
“and third place is number TWELVE, with 71.”
(clapping and an ALL RIGHT!)

thank you so much for playing along and voting. this has been really really cool. i had very little idea what photo would win. my guess was #3 (the tattoo). but i guess the green stool and the curly piggies won out. i have to say, that when i saw this and shot it, i could tell i was going to love it. it was one of those moments that my father in law jamie used to say, “that ones a keeper!” after he snapped the shutter. it is definitely one of my favorites from this year. so much came together to make this a favorite. and i did nothing but to see it while it was happening. and be lucky enough to have a camera to shoot it. the light was just incredible (shot in a garage midday), the stool was the perfect pukey shade of green that i love, the lacey dress, those perfect toes. its going to look gorgeous as a canvas!

and thought you might like to see the upper halves of the winners:




and now onto the second half of the contest-lets do a little rule reminder:


the photos corresponding number will be ON TOP of the image.

ONLY ONE VOTE PER PERSON. i can check IP addresses…so dont cheat. ill delete your cheating McCheater votes. :)

please vote in the comments of this post.

feel free to campaign for more votes. have friends and family vote for your image!

how could i not choose this photo? so original, and makes you feel something. smile. that dog wondering “what are they doing?” and i love the old car and jeans. cool shot.

loved the newborn wrinkles on the bottom of the feet. loved the color and pattern of the blanket. loved the processing.

cool family shot-the matching converse and the colors. also love the difference between the dad feet and the littlest feet. take note of the hands too-dads hands and the little boy holding onto mom.

if you have little girls, you have probably done this for them/with them. love that this mom shot this shot. love the perspective. love the different colored paint, the dress up dress, the tattoo.

this is a shot i would hang up huge in my house. i love the crop. and the baby eating big brother or sisters feet! CLASSIC and so funny and cute.

a great newborn foot shot again, just loved the contrast of twigs and new skin. the perspective and background make me think this was taken out in some fairyland woodland forest in the snow.

the colors! the leaves! she had to have been laying on the ground to get this one-LOVE the perspective.

how can you not want to giggle and tickle those toes. another shot i would have in my house HUGE. this would make anyone who looked at it smile. those wrinkly feet and that curled laughing tongue. also the headband. love it.

great twist on the contest. i was hoping someone would enter animal feet! this is so cozy and sweet.

this is a great image-the colors, lighting, perspective are all spot on. those fat baby knees in comparison with mom made me grin. love the uncluttered background and the slight reflection too.

the crop on this one is fresh and cool. the dirty feet, colors, DOF, and light all drew me right in. i feel like ive lived this exact shot many times, and thats why i love it. its so familiar. plus, somebody looks like he is getting sleepy…

the gorgeous green background with the perfect pink toes. so good. the DOF is stunning.

i want to be in that hammock snuggling with this baby. love the processing and love the idea.

i want this photo of my family, like right now. :) its just FUN and COOL and never seen anything like it before.

adorable little man, love the toes gripping the trike. the crop, the colors, the processing. all great.

a sunday morning in bed perhaps? or playing hookey from work? love the bedspread and the slight view of a laptop in the background.

this looks straight out of a magazine. its such a wonderful photojournalistic approach to a newborn in NICU. that foot outstretched is just precious. also love that it was shot wide, i think?

this is just such a fun image. i wonder where they walked with those red feet!!!

this shot makes me feel like it was taken in hawaii. i want to live on the beach and have that bucket at my front door. a clever foot shot that takes in important details of a day or event.

this is so serene, and so beautiful. the skin tones with the light and the gorgeous sleeping babe. how you can just see the quiet smile on mom…

loved the gritty feel of this, the dark black and white conversion with some texture.

so here we go again, place your votes!
you guys seriously put my foot images TO SHAME. i was so impressed with everything that came in. and just a bit jealous, if im being honest. hahaa! i want some of these to be my own kiddos. :)

voting will stop wednesday morning at 9am PST.
and the winner will be announced thursday morning at 9am PST.

merry christmas and happy holidays everyone!

contest closed

ive turned comments off, and wont be accepting anymore photo submissions. my inbox needs a trip to the day spa after this week!

this weekend i will be going through 400+ feet photos and counting 780 votes!

winner of my best foot forward will be announced on monday at 9am PST.

YOUR best foot forward submissions will also be posted on monday. i dont know if i will be able to post just 10 though! maybe 21, like i did?

i will leave the voting open for 48 hours and then announce the second winner!

you have been sending in such fun photos. it is going to be murder to choose only 21 of them!

a coupla more foot pics to whet yer whistle



we had the most glorious little day yesterday celebrating ivy’s birthday. emily set up a fairy luncheon for the girls and we created a day spa in her living room. complete with candles, soothing music, mini pedi’s, massages, and cucumbers on their eyes! such a delight.




it was a magical afternoon, exactly what i always imagined it would be like to have little girls…

dont forget, deadline for your foot photos and votes to be entered is tomorrow morning, 8am PST.