the one who made me get paint on my hands

winner is sandi from aus


i will foward your email onto emily!

so awhile back i took some photos for emily for her big picture scrapbooking class. thought they would be fun to share.





i was never one to use paint for my scrapbook pages. im too lazy. i thought it had to be a huge production with lots of brushes and cleaning up of brushes. but after watching em paint it made me want to do it too. and i realized anyone can do it if i can! i love the little bits of paint she adds to her layouts-they make everything so personal, so her, so custom made and artsy looking. she totally got me addicted to paint. its so fun to walk around with paint on my hands, letting me pretend i am an artist. and somehow it makes the whole art of creating more for me.

i told her i was going to share the photos i took for her, and she thought it would be cool if i did a giveaway. so, i get to giveaway one free tuition for her class “got paint”, which i think will be so great for anyone who wants to dip their fingers in…i know the lessons i have learned just by watching her have changed what i do. and while her style may not be yours (it isnt mine either, im much more graphic and linear than her) i have always just adapted what she does to fit me.

so, post a comment and ill draw a winner tonight!

she left this little note on my driveway that day, which i love, but im sure my stupid home owners association does not.


and the winner is:


you can check out her website here: andrea burns photography
and her blog here embellish

andrea, you got 190 votes out of the 800 something!

second place goes to kathy wolfe!



and third place goes to kelly bryan



THANK YOU everyone for playing-i really hope it was as fun for you as for me. something different for the ol’ blog. and a way for me to give back to everyone who reads here. i dont know AT ALL how this blog became what it is today. it blows my mind to think that almost three years ago i just started it to share photos with my family and friends and it changed my life.

this blog changed my life.

ive made lifelong friends because of it, had amazing experiences, made connections with people all over the world, and created a successful business out of my passion. i feel incredibly lucky. so thank you. thank you for the feedback, the support, listening to my crap, and just being here. it means a lot. thank you.