making me want to procreate.






em and ivy and yindi were gone for three weeks in australia, and before that we hadnt been able to get together since before christmas. but she didnt forget me.

while jeff played puzzle quest (his newest obsession) and emily took pictures i taught her how to give kissies.

these pictures crack me UP.
she is such a little love.

we are in the midst of the flu. fevers, barfing, coughing, so we’ve probably got all the strains covered. next year: FLU SHOTS.

one is growing | one is shrinking

two of my very good lifelong friends were in one place at one time a few weeks ago, so i took them on a session. one to celebrate her growing tummy. and one to celebrate her shrinking one!

sharla is due with little clark in a few weeks. i was only on day two of antibiotics when i shot these, but i am ever so glad i made the effort to drive out and meet her. we drove down one of my favorite streets in downtown riverside. we were not in the best of areas, and we were getting honked at pretty consistently, which made us all feel like rock stars. but the texture and color and lighting was paradise to me.






i posted awhile back about christine’s successful weight loss last year. i am really inspired by her and wanted to do something to help her celebrate her accomplishment.

i think that feeling pretty shouldnt stop when you graduate from high school. i am tossing around the idea of offering a mini session for women and mothers of all ages. one on one with clothing changes and a fun story to tell…






how is it that i am the baby of the group and she is the one who looks 18?

there are no stupid questions

nathan asked once why the words “made in china” are on so many things.

so i explained it to him, and havent heard anything about it in like a year. until tonight.

he walked up to me, perplexed, holding a toy in his hands and peering at it closely.



why do the china people keep sending all of their toys over here?”

i laughed really hard, out loud and grabbed him in a big hug.

and explained it again.

i am pretty sure the kid thought that if we had all of the toys from china, it meant that the kids in china must not have anything to play with!
