for jeni



with much love, from em and tara.

(jeni is emily’s mom. jeni made this quilt. it took her ten years. jeni gave it to emily. emily wanted to make this photograph for her mom. she asked tara. now tara wants one too. so get cracking jeni. i can wait ten more years.)

ps-you have a copy coming your way very soon. xoxo

emily posted more about the quilt on her blog-you have got to read this too.

twelve means almost thirteen, which means almost 18, which means i just cant think about this right now


twelve fun facts about mckenna on her 12th birthday:

1. her favorite color is red
2. she laughs like the guy from the pixar chess game short
3. she would eat top ramen and/or fettucini alfredo for every meal
4. she really loves to rewind the same snippet of a tv show over and over and over and over again until someone tells her to JUST STOP IT ALREADY.
5. she hates waking up in the morning
6. she loves taking showers or baths
7. her favorite person in the whole wide world is murray wiggle (sorry grandma)
8. she sleeps with her covers over head, her noise maker on “waterfall”, the ceiling fan on high, and a nightlight.
9. when she walks she has a little swagger that makes me laugh
10. when she eats you know exactly where she sat – she would make hansel and gretel look pathetic
11. she absolutely LOVES to ride the bus and listen to music and birthdays make her crazy happy
12. we love her more than any other little size 7 twelve year old in the whole wide world.