insightful and sweet questions from my five year old

all from friday:”mom, what is your favorite thing about daddy?””what color skin do bees have?””dad, how long have you known mom?””how does the color get inside of a crayon?””why does that freckle look like a chocolate chip?””how long have i loved Silkie?”Img_9664copyImg_9668copyand our answers:”that is such a hard one-but if i had to pick my VERY favorite thing about daddy its how he can always make me laugh, even if i am sad or mad.””ummm….what color skin do YOU think they have?””ever since fourth grade.””it runs as fast as it can and jumps inside!””because i ate too much ice cream when i was a little kid.””since forever.”busy day today-session this morning, then lots of work this afternoon. my website is undergoing some back end updates, thats why its been down. also updating the galleries and splash page. announcing my travel destinations for 2008, and new packages/options. im also working on getting a custom blog created. so some exciting changes for me in the coming days/weeks. ill keep you posted-gotta run a kid to school, and then off to oceanside i go! -t