the kids have all cried at one time or another since picking them up.
forty minutes ago.
i took them to mcd’s to get mcflurrys-fridays are shake days-i pick them up and we all go get a shake. usually just from jack in the box, but today i was like-LETS GET MCFLURRYS! and they were all so excited. (for about five seconds.)
we get there-mind you, the bad moods were already in full swing-and the ice cream machine is broken.
this did not fare well for the state of affairs in the toyota sequoia.
EVERYONE IN THE CAR STARTED WAILING-it was like the annie movie scene where they all start crying to get miss hannigans attention so that annie can sneak off with sandy-or sneak sandy in-one of those.
i about blew a gasket.
the moods have just gotten worse.
methinks momma deserves a McMargarita tonight! (in case you cant read comments-valerie posted the funniest thing ever and i had to edit my post. thanks for the great line valerie.)