the whitneys are all in very bad moods this afternoon

the kids have all cried at one time or another since picking them up.
forty minutes ago.
i took them to mcd’s to get mcflurrys-fridays are shake days-i pick them up and we all go get a shake. usually just from jack in the box, but today i was like-LETS GET MCFLURRYS! and they were all so excited. (for about five seconds.)

we get there-mind you, the bad moods were already in full swing-and the ice cream machine is broken.

this did not fare well for the state of affairs in the toyota sequoia.

EVERYONE IN THE CAR STARTED WAILING-it was like the annie movie scene where they all start crying to get miss hannigans attention so that annie can sneak off with sandy-or sneak sandy in-one of those.

i about blew a gasket.

the moods have just gotten worse.

methinks momma deserves a McMargarita tonight! (in case you cant read comments-valerie posted the funniest thing ever and i had to edit my post. thanks for the great line valerie.)

find yourself. (in thailand, with tara and em)

emily and i are very excited to announce find yourself. our brainchild and baby that we have been dreaming and scheming about for a very long time. we want to reach out to people with similar feelings and emotions as us…and give them a week that they will never ever forget.

i will let the rest speak for itself…


edited: friday afternoon.
we have been getting a lot of emails of interest and questions. since emily is in italy, we will gather all of your emails and information and get back to everyone to answer questions and collect deposits once she is home.

no spots have been given away just yet! if interested, please email either of us. emails in the link. we are SO excited.

AND for anyone who cant see comments, im sorry. i dont know why, my best guess is that you are using internet explorer to view my blog and you dont have the most updated version. (7.0) if you USED to be able to read comments, and now you cant-please email me via the link in the top bar.

links up above?

several readers have expressed that the links above arent working for them. specifically “in my bag” and “click here next”. can you let me know if those links in the top navigation bar work for you?

actually-just let me know if they DONT. and if they dont, please tell me what internet browser/version you are on.:)


edited: 7pm

okay, im betting that everyone who is having problems is on internet explorer 6.0 or less and needs to update. usually if you are having issues with websites online it has to do with your internet browser. (internet explorer, safari, firefox, etc) not being updated. firefox is the best out there in my opinion. although i do love safari as well. :)