i have received a lot of emails asking who helped me customize my template, and i realized just now after answering again, i should just post it on my blog. duh.

it was me alone, after lots of help from friends, but mostly my brother, shane.

he is self taught, and really good to work with. he also recently helped my friend bentley redesign and restructure her blog. He also does computer work and tech support for folks that are local (he can even do remote tech support for people that are not) and when he does tech support he typically teaches you how to do what he is doing, and explains everything along the way. so it’s also a good way to learn how do to certain things on your own.

anyway, i cant plug him enough. he’s my baby brother! haha

you can find his information here.


trude (trood-a) (daughter) (isnt that the most lovely sounding name?) hired me for her “all grown up” family. we started in old town orange, and kristen (mom) arranged to go onto the private property of an artist’s studio that she discovered on the historical home tour. but when we got there, everything was locked up. kristen, trude, and i didnt want to give up, so we walked around the alley and lucked out. we heard music playing. one of us called “hello?” but didnt get anything. trude and i were about to give up when kristen hollered out “hello? i can hear your music!” and CRACKED US UP. the norah jones listener heard us and very graciously allowed us onto the property. it really was amazing, in a simple and modern way. i was so glad they chose it.

(the alley we were standing in is on the other side of that rather menacing looking chain link fence) e014.jpge015.jpge019.jpge002.jpge035.jpg

ohhhhh, one side…………..


and then the other!


after i exhausted them by making them jump over and over in the early morning heat, we hopped into cars and went to the circle downtown.


smoke break. cant decide which i like better, so both.



and ive been hearing nothing for going on two hours now. im totally feeling so open and free.
mckenna came home from school and went to her room, took off her shoes, got into bed, pulled a pillow over her head, and started snoring. ( i hope she isnt coming down with something.)

i just realized how very very much i miss the quiet. to have a long stretch of quiet is impossible here. with anyone else at home, you hear everything they do. im going to go lay somewhere and enjoy it now. (just finished up editing a slew of sessions-6 in two days!)

but here are the daughters, who belong to the in love couple below. 078.jpg

sand angels are what we do here in the californ eye aye!



quick donut break for sustenance and energy.


that little sugar was such a momma’s girl. her connection to her momma was so strong and special.065.jpg074.jpg