• the watermelon was a boy and his name is felix. •

first and foremost, thank you SO much for all of the wonderful comments and emails i received about design aglow, and the maternity slideshow i posted. i was completely, staggeringly overwhelmed by all of it! i feel really, really lucky and grateful and just have to say thank you. the support i get here on my blog surprises me all the time.

onto felix!

this is the first time i have photographed a newborn where i just let everything i have ever seen or thought about newborn photography fall away. i was anxious about a slew of newborns i had in june and july, feeling uninspired and like i couldnt do what they deserved, and a friend told me to just do it my way and not worry about it. so thats what i tried to do. i walked in to photograph felix with my big pillow, my heating pad, and a sock monkey. but without any preconceived notions of what i should do.

when i walked in, this is what i saw. a gorgeous little boy all sacked out in his mommas lap.

we chatted for a bit about his birth, how they were all doing as a new family, and then since he was asleep, i set him up on my big pillow, on top of my heating pad and his blanket. i just shot what he did, without moving him around too much. i love these.

then tia chris and tia sandra showed up (auntie chris is my website designer) so i had to get a photo of them totally enraptured.

i asked, “how is the light in your bedroom?” “oh, horrible.” mom said. um, kathy, i think you were not quite right…

and that, is alex, kathy, and felix.

and here is the sock monkey.




we have been trying to organize this outing with papa jamie and grandma deb for months! the stars finally aligned and we both had a free saturday last weekend. they took the train with drew, nate, and anna from riverside (picked them up from my moms house) and we took the train from orange county with kenna. our paths met at union station in LA.

it was our first time using the metrolink train. we plugged kenna into her iPod and she grooved the whole way there.img_4343.jpg

she wanted to sit alone little hermit.

when we met up we walked over to olvera street, which is the oldest street in los angeles, (i think) and got some yummy mexican food. it was out first time seeing the kids in a week! its always so nice to come back together. they all looked like they grew five inches!


my only photo of grandma deb and the kids and its blurry. but i love it anyway! they followed her around just like her puppies at home.


then we hopped on the subway over to hollywood blvd. we walked around checking out the characters dressed up and the stars in the sidewalk. stopped at the disney store soda fountain for sustenance.



we walked across the street after that to check out the hollywood sign, and grandma deb and the boys made a bee-line for the tollhouse cookie shop for more ice cream! im starting to understand why they follow her around…..



someones balloon popped.


then we headed over to the el capitan theater to see wall-e. and i had a heart attack. because we lost anna for five minutes. ON HOLLYWOOD BLVD. i was running all over screaming her name, and when i finally started to truly freak out and start shaking and tears coming to my eyes i walked up to a manager with a walkie talkie and saw her coming around the corner with her silkie to her face and tears pouring out of her eyes. i shook for an hour after, holding her on my lap.

it was time to head home after the movie, we were all exhausted and hot and sticky and a bit cranky, but daddy made the subway ride a lot faster.


forgot to change my white balance on that one. oh well…waiting in union station for our train home was so cool. the place has the most amazing light ever. its magic. i was thinking how amazing it would be to do a couples session there, or even a family, when i turned around and saw two photogs and a couple of their own. i didnt recognize them, and i was bummed it was time to catch the train. i wanted to watch!

but just look at how pretty it is inside…


it was a super fun day. we havent done an outting like that as a fam for a long time it seems. everyone held up really well-even mckenna, who i was a little worried about with the heat and crowds and non schedule. but she did awesome.

the boys went back home with papa jamie and grandma deb-and drew was all, “is it like ‘see every grandparent’ week?!” because after getting being at my moms house for the week, then getting a sleepover with them, they were going to grandparents #3 (mima and papa ron) for another one, and disneyland yesterday. talk about double whammys!

everyone will be back in one place today around one pm. mima is coming out for drop off and a day at the pool. we have ivy today as well. summer is so awesome.


and yes, life is good.


my sweet yindi willow turned one in june. emily had her party at a park near her home. the afternoon was really wonderful. we all sat under the trees and snacked on yummy food. and i took lots of pictures.


i got lots of shots of momma and dollbaby.


my favorite of the bunch:


mckenna had a bit of a hissy, and emily talked her off the ledge.


drew hamming it up as usual.


time for cake and presents!



her first present.


right before the sun went down and we all packed up and headed home. (she loves to hold onto a bar like this and poke her head around all the sides. this time she was going up and down, up and down.)


and her feet, goodness gracious her precious chubby dirty feet.


happy monday-i have a really crazy week-wish me luck!