• i know i am back in california when… •

i drive out of the airport having arrived home from seattle, windows rolled down, music blaring, the smell of actual campfires from a mile away on the beach wafting over the 405 freeway south, the golden light of the afternoon weaving its way around buildings, cars, and palm trees. and abruptly stopping. and sitting in bumper to bumper traffic all the way home.

kind of a letdown after hauling ass at 30,000 mph in the air. but as always, it is wonderful to be HOME.

i flew up to seattle very last minute last saturday to attend and speak at the secret workshop, held by the energetic and beautiful cheryl muhr. as most of you know, i do not attend and/or speak at workshops. the teacher role is not my most comfortable role. who am i kidding, i HATE IT. plus, i am typically stretched so thin adding one more thing to my tumbling plates is just a dumb idea. i literally have no choice but to focus my time and energy strictly on my family, friends and clients. but, cheryl made it so easy on me, and did a q&a interview type thing so that i wouldnt have to feel pressure to come up with something interesting to talk about on my own.

and it was a really great weekend. it helped supreme that the attendees were so gracious and kind and warm and friendly. i could have made fast friends with any and all of the people i met. here is a shot i took during the child model portion of the event. cutest family ever…loved this kid.

and cheryl and her family couldnt be more adorable and kind and loving and generous. one of the things that impressed me the most is how she makes this all work for her while raising a family. she is breastfeeding her youngest daughter still, so cant be far from her for long, and so in the middle of teaching will take her into her arms and feed her, not skipping a beat or interrupting the thought or technique she was in the middle of talking about. in my opinion, that is just the way it should be. i have so much respect for momma’s who are making their businesses work for them in the midst of mothering. FIST PUMP!

monday morning i photographed her family before i headed home on the plane. wouldnt you know it, the weekend temps reached 90 degrees and sunny. but monday morning rolled in with clouds and rain. we did it anyway, trying to escape the rain by getting out of downtown and getting closer to the airport. it worked and we were only drizzled on.

i get a lot of emails asking if i teach a workshop, or what workshop i recommend, and now i can say with confidence that i highly recommend the secret workshop for new photographers who want to learn how to start out and build their business the best way they can. cheryl is an open book, and gives all of her “secrets” away.

and now, i too have figured out the lasso tool!

• someone needs to go back to english class •

jeff texted me while i was out with the kids this morning and said “sign into IM when you get home.”

so i did.

me: hey babe, what did you need?
him: im working on some stuff and just want you at my beckon call.
me: is that how you think that is spelled/said?
him: it is sad i know. i am an illiterate wretch.
me: well shoot, maybe you are right. i thought it was beck AND call, but beckon means call…..
him: hook ED on PUH onics, work ED for ME!
me: looking it up…

me: im right.

him: HAHAHA!