• hows about a funky giveaway? •

••••••••••••WINNER IS HEIDI DEAN, #129!•••••••••••••••••••

heidi, email me and get me your address. you have a rad new camera strap headed your way from emily and i! wish i could give 831 straps away, i always hate the let down after all the build up of excitement…

yesterday, em came over after school as a surprise for the little girls (we have been hearing moan-y sad complaints like “when will we EVER SEE HER AGAaaaaaaaaaaIN?” with much flopping and hand to forehead sighing) (an hour spent on video chat sunday evening did nothing to satisy them) (where did they ever learn that? certainly not from their overly dramatic and emotional mummas!), to watch our tivo’d project runway, and get indian for dinner. and so that i could eat my weekly allotment of yindi’s neck.

our routine has become ritual at this point. sacred. and awesome.

she also sewed a new (vintage!) ribbon onto my camera strap. i’ve been eyeballing it for weeks in her shop, and lucky me, i get it for free. and guess what? SO DO YOU! (well, one of you!) we decided it would be totally fun to do a camera strap giveaway on my blog. for anyone that doesn’t know, em started making her “funky camera straps” in april 2007. no one else was doing it at the time, she is the original gangsta! when we met, she had the coolest strap on her camera, and i begged her for ages to start making them and selling them. i knew firsthand how hard it was to find a cool strap. i had looked high and low for years for a camera strap that wasnt just utilitarian. and im the google queen, and i could never find anything that wasnt intended for an older male photog and his khaki pocketed vest. she set up shop on etsy, and has sold over 800 of them since.

and now its your turn to get one. if you already have one, awesome, enter to win anyway and have two to switch out!

just comment on this post by 1:30pm PST Sep 18. i will draw a winner soon after that. winner gets the same strap as me. this wonderful, adorable, kitschy vintage goodness.

two someones wanted to model camera straps too…

*****************CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED!***************

• family photo session at the mission viejo library •

when amanda contacted me and we started talking about locations, the library came up. i have a SUPER cool library near my house, so we decided to go for it! and can i just tell you excited i was to get outside the box and not be at the beach on a sunny wednesday morning? thank you amanda, ben, and mallory for the great idea.

we met up at the park first and then headed over to read some books. this little girl was so delicate and precious, and her parents are OVER THE MOON in love with her.

and now for the library. we got stopped several times – by librarians asking me if i had permission to photograph these people. um yes, thank you. we were quiet as mice (mostly) and did our best not to disturb.

absolutely love the color outside-it matches moms eye make up too…

dont forget to return your books!

we found letters and spent a few hilarious minutes trying to find a word we could spell, until finally, LIGHTBULB MOMENT!

one more snuggle outside and we were finished.

note from tara about questions: i do my best to answer in the comments if youve asked a question there that i think others might want to know as well. if not, i try to email. so check back on comments if you’ve asked something and i havent emailed you!