• the pleasure of being photographed by her, •

i wish you all.

back in june, i surprised emily with a photoshoot for her birthday. we dressed up, brought props, and met denise aka bohogirl at the beach early in the morning. meeting her after emailing for months in the planning stages was such a relief. she was exactly as she portrays herself online. open, warm, lovely, intuitive, gentle. my nerves on the car ride to the beach were running high, i was anxious about not being behind the camera mostly, nervous about my body, my chin, my profile…totally doing what i tell everyone NOT to do. where was my zen, my just be you?

as soon as we met, hugged, giggled nervously, and started talking all of those nerves left me completely. i let go completely, and we had the best time.

emily and i had a few ideas in our heads of things we would like to do, but mostly we just wanted denise to do what she does best. here are my favorite photos from our session with her.

am i perfect? no. but i look at these photos and they mean everything to me. it was a morning just for us. girls. friends. women. we connected with denise so deeply. she just gives of herself so freely. she has just restructured her photography business to focus purely on photographing other artists. models, painters, authors, photographers, musicians…such a lovely idea to be able to collaborate every session with another creative minded individual. i know she is going to blow our minds!

and this, (smile), was an idea emily had, i think? we wanted to show our differences. so she brought along a jar of lentils from her kitchen, and i saved a mcdonald’s drive-thru bag. definitely an exaggeration of sorts, but funny, so so funny. this is going big in my house somewhere!

just be us.

have a great weekend everyone! im off to the beach with the kiddos, jeff, my camera, and a surfboard. (our new friday after school ritual…)


• a bun out of the oven session, from one of my belly to baby packages •

this is baby sam.

this is baby sam’s mom:

up there, sam is seen doing what sam does best. eating his hands, grabbing whatever is in sight, and generally just being a pretty happy-go-lucky guy. he is also pretty good at making his mom laugh.

see? he really loves those hands!

he also really loves this toy, and my cunning version of an elephant noise.

quick! call heads or tails!

this is sam’s belly. it is scrumptious.

i have so many favorites of sam and his mom, that i wanted to make something a little different to showcase him. also, squares are kinda this new thing for me.

oh, and before you go, meet sam’s sister. she was too cute to miss out on a photo of her own. look at all those snazzy necklaces! she must have known i was coming.