• the unexpected, an auction •

**edited monday morning: Michelle Meisenbach, author of paper therapy, is donating all of the proceeds of her book sales this week to kimberly.

wanted to link you guys.

also, there are a few more auction items to check out on emily’s blog. here and here and here. thank you so much everyone.**

edited: thank you to everyone that bid, the auction is over now but we have had a few requests for donations. emily set up a paypal account in kimberly’s name. here is a link to that, should anyone want to.

**i am putting this back at the top because the very sad, and very unexplainable happened. the family emergency has turned into a tragedy. our friend kimberly and her two young sons have lost her husband & their father james at the too young age of 38. my heart is so heavy i have no words to express the sadness i feel.

emily has put together a silent auction to help raise money for kimberly on her blog. she has no idea we are doing this, but we just have to do something. he was their sole form of income.

i am auctioning off my photoshop skills. two winners will send me 5 of their family photos and i will edit them so they look like candy. all money raised will go directly to kimberly.

i have seen the internet do beautiful things, and here is yet another chance. if you would like to be a part, go here. sharing a link on your own blog would be awesome too, thank you so much.**


one of our find yourself attendees has experienced a saddening family emergency and needs to stay home. we are worried sick about our new friend, and our hope and thoughts are with her.


• compromise •

from anna: drew, pretend im a lovely lady and you fall in love with me.

drew: ignore ignore ignore (reading a book)


drew: no. (turns a page)

anna: (pouts)(harrumpf) why not?

drew: i dont want to have to hug and kiss you. (puts the book down and smiles at her)

anna: you dont have to. just hug. and ill give you weapons.

drew: only if i can be a worm.

• you know you weren’t a child of the eighties if •

your mom comes home from target and shows you your new shirts.

you are pretty stoked over them actually, showing off to your sisters.

“these are cool! thanks mom!”

you put them on, marching around, rubbing your hands all over your stomachs.

when suddenly, you look at each other, then at me, point to the design on the tshirt, and say,

“but what are these?”