• my kid has a cell phone •

how did this happen you ask?

i’ve been raging against the cell phone machine since he was in second grade. yes. second grade.

he would say, “mom, can i PLEASE have a cell phone?”

and i would say, “PLEASE. who are you going to call? you are either at school (where you are technically not allowed to use a phone) or at home with me. where you can use what we old folks like to call a LAND LINE. so, no. no cell phone. not until you are at least 56.”

but now he is in middle school, and he walks to school without me, and he goes to friend’s houses after school without me. and you know, i would like to be able to keep my grip on him firm and strong. and text him every 30 seconds as he walks to school.

“you still alive?”

“no one has kidnapped you yet?”

“look both ways!”

and most importantly:


its like having me in his pocket.

lucky him.

but he was so so excited you guys, that my kid having a cell phone was worth seeing him freak out when he realized on his birthday, that that ringing? that ringing in the backseat? thats not moms cell phone, or dads cell phone, or anyone elses cell phone, THAT WAS HIS CELL PHONE.

his birthday got even better the next day when we took a few of his friends to the beach, and had an out and out junk food pizza ferris wheel bungee jump rock climbing ice cream candy birthday love fest.

my boy is 11!

• we took a hike. •

i am banking up family time for my trip. something to hold onto when i am missing them so so much.

yes, jeff is totally wearing a headband. he so wishes he was karate kid even after all these years.

i love nathan’s teeth.
he loves making that face in every photo.

anna collected rocks and sticks and flowers in her shirt.
she also picked out her own clothes, and as usual, knocked it outta the park.

we stopped at the top and had a snack.
jeff dropped my camera onto concrete. i covered my eyes until i was sure of the damage.
(its okay-just a few scratches on the bottom corner. scratches mean character. scratches mean well loved.)

drew looks really good in grey. he was a present for my eyes.
he is also a present for his little big sister, always on the lookout to make sure she is okay.

jeffs smile melts me. i also love his nose.
i can forgive him for the camera thing.

mckenna quietly shuffled along while whispering to herself.
and then cut the hike short with her declaration of “i have to go poop.”