keeping up with the jones’ • san diego family photo session • pacific beach


i loved this family because they reminded me so much of my own. something in the dynamic made me feel at home with them. the kids were full of energy and really fun to be around. totally clicked with mom as one tall chick to another. this session is from way back in the summer. an oil spill on the freeway made me an hour late, so we jam boogied to beat the sun…





this is my favorite. major major favorite.



another major favorite.




hager family x 2 • orange county family photos • at home & then huntington beach

when lisa contacted me, i was happily surprised to find out she wanted to hire me for two separate shoots in the same month. talk about making a girl feel special! i was completely humbled by it, and couldnt wait to meet her family. she wanted one session at home and one at the beach. two totally different types of looks, and two totally different kinds of fun.

i expected to meet a woman who was seriously connected to her husband and children, and who also valued photography a great deal. what could be better than that? what i didnt expect was the special connection i was able to experience in spending so much time with them. after getting to know each other at their home shoot, the beach shoot was like being with old friends.

their home was light and bright and covered in beautiful photographs she has taken of the children. again, i was humbled to know she picked me to capture them all together. it sounds so dorky and sappy, but that is me. one of my favorite spots in their home was this, the wall o’ books! we also walked across the street and took some in the golden weedy hills.

beautiful, beautiful children…such blue eyes they have!

one thing that was very important for me to photograph, was her nursing her youngest son. amazingly beautiful…this was taken just across the street from their home.

and then, a week later, huntington beach. kisses in my favorite alley in all the world.

these red shoes just about killed me.

trying to be serious and snuggly and FAILING MISERABLY into giggles. and thats just fine by me.

such a very vibrant connection they all have together!

thank you, hagers!

love from tara. :)

oh, is it christmas?

okay i promise. ill go christmas shopping. ill get the tree. ill pull out the decorations. just give me a few more weeks. i can get it done.

i am SUPER bah humbug about christmas this year. i wish i could just be like, “umm whitneys for christmas? PASS! we just had christmas, and its coming again next year, so we are good. no, really. we are totally cool with it.”

but ive got four votes against me, so im doing my best to rally for the troops.

this morning ive been going over some of my favorites on etsy, thought i would share some things ive purchased or plan to.

first up, for the girl who might like a pop of vintage on her ears, these adorable studs. my friend kelly sent these to me awhile ago and i lerrrrrve them.

a really swell handbag by moop. i have this and it holds all of my stuff from stuffed animals to chapstick. its amazing.

for the quilter or lover of quilts (me), quilted mama cuffs from jcasa.

totally practical and totally awesome. i couldnt live without mine. car catch-alls from zooziis. seen here on my blog.

i can just imagine these glowbowls hanging in my bedroom.

i do not have cats, nor do i like cats, but this cat is pretty cute. so are these.

this print by cathy nichols really makes me smile. i can heir beirut playing…

also, she opened up an etsy shop. lucky us.

some other things (non-etsy) that ive taken note of lately…

this book, and the video about it have intrigued me for days.

i know its kind of nerdy, but i love having san francisco reminders in my house. santa can bring this to me if he wants.

for those long minnesota winters….sun in a jar.

thinking of using this image in my christmas card this year.

great for a stocking.

all right, now back to scrooge.