not my best friends wedding, just her loveshoot • justin and jalayne • san francisco photo shoot

jalayne and i met in mrs. stonebreakers class.

in the ninth grade.

we hated each other. but only at first, and only when we tried really really hard. because as it turned out, we actually really liked each other. a lot. and we were pretty much attached at the hip from 9th-12th grade. we even went to the same college as planned, but it got a little complicated after that with me getting married and knocked up (not in that order) and her finishing college and graduating and traveling and working and studying. even through the complicated bits we did our best to remain connected and it was always amazing when we did make time for the phone call or the visit, how easily we fell back into our worn in friendship.

jalayne is like my barometer. she knew me when. we have history. we have a story. and the best part, we’ve been a part of each others stories for going on almost 20 years.

she was the girl i used to skip through magic mountain with, trailing our boys behind us, sucking on mustard packets.

the girl who babysat my sisters with me, even when neither of us wanted to.

the girl who i snuck around with, but forgot to tell her, and who i got caught without.

the girl who would make her government tests readily available for my prying eyes.

the girl i modeled with and photographed in my parents home.

the girl whose bedroom i knew as well as my own because we shared equal time between the two.

she went through my country/hip hop/metal phase with me.

she helped me through a miscarriage. she taught me about Jyotish. and last october, she asked me to come up north for the weekend to photograph her family. and i did.

we started out with jalayne and her awesome boyfriend justin. justin has lived in san francisco for something like 15 years? works in the castro. apt in the tenderloin. so thats exactly where we hung out. after a quick shopping trip for a new shirt for jalayne, and sushi at blowfish, i put them right to work.


got crazy with the photoshop here, but i dig it!


i have always LOVED jalaynes face. i quickly came to love justin’s as well. i love these next three.


random old tv sighting, tara runs them across the street to work this OUT.


somebody named justin wasnt too KEEN on sitting here. i take no prisoners. he learned quickly. and jalayne, oh jalayne….that look. BEAUTY! CONTENT!


LOVE the body language here.


justin is an amazing carpenter. he isnt just a carpenter. he is an artist. he has PASSION for this. he makes the most amazing furniture and cabinetry. when i saw this plywood wall i had to get him in front of it.


“so guys, what tricks can you do?”


this was at the beginning when they were still warming up. so a little nervous, a little goofy. i LOVE the expressions. photos taken one right after the other.


one of their hang outs. the bar at the grand.


justin rocking the deck shoes. LOVE!


this one might be my favorite. she looks so safe. he looks so strong. they look so content.


how did i luck out to find a PARKED/ABANDONED taxi???


as the sky darkened, we got in the car and headed up to carmel, where her parents own property on a preserve. on our second day together, because she is my best friend, AND ONLY BECAUSE SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND, i agreed to shoot their entire family together. ;) i normally run screaming from the “large family group session”. just not what i like to do! but for the people i love, how can i say no? :)

just before i brought EVERYONE outside though, i wanted to get some of the two of them with their doggies. Django (the lab) and Torch. this is torchie. the most gorgeous little love of a dog ive ever met. torch is their new little boy.


and django,  who has been jalaynes best girl for many years, and who is possibly the smartest dog ive ever met. she understands english. im not kidding. like, CONVERSATION.


sweet old girl


and then i brought everyone outh016

this is her brother bryan and his family, her mom sherri, and her stepdad jerry. we also did some of the parentals in and around their AMAAAAAZING house.


on the third day, we headed into monterey for the shoot with her brother and his wife summer and their two little men. i LOVE the emotion, laughter, color on these!


and i LOVE this one. perfect family shot. not too contrived, everyone doing their thing, momma looking RADIANT.


oh, just one more of the doggies. at the beach. fetching a starfish stuffy out of the waves.

jj096so hows that for a blogging comeback? am i back on your good sides?

meet my iPhone.


and the pics she has been taking the last two weeks.

not a whole lot going on around here aside from grocery shopping, homework, carpooling to and from school, rain, backyardigans, and waiting for daddy to get home. many things that in the past would leave me stir crazy, bored, and aching for a change. but presently they just have me wrapped up in a gentle current, carrying me about my day with a kind of contentment that i hope i can keep with me as i begin merging my other job back into my life.

i have very much enjoyed my time off work, so much so that its hard for me to get going again. ive loved being a stay at home mom the past few months, that much is probably pretty obvious, and i do appreciate your loyalty and patience during this long dry spell. im glad you got a kick out of lisa’s blog entry below. i did too.

will be opening up my schedule and booking clients again starting sometime in the upcoming week, so if you have emailed me ill be in touch soon! im excited to offer some new packages, (including new wall galleries that have a tara vibe), update my website, and organize some travel sessions for this year.

tomorrow im going to share the photos of an adorable couple that i just happen to know and love, that were taken in san francisco this past october. i have so many great sessions from last year that i never got around to sharing. but for now, its time to clean up and get these kids ready for bed.

and take photos of the process with a rinky dink camera phone.

EDITED: i TOTALLY have to share the story of how i came to own her. i was in hawaii, fiddling with my iPod Touch and bemoaning the fact that i thought it was going to be enough for me. i thought it was going to soothe the beast that desperately wanted the iPhone. but after getting the iTouch, WHICH IS TOTALLY COOL BUT NOT EVEN CLOSE TO A REPLACEMENT FOR THE PHONE, i realized that i was not in any way soothed or satisfied. admitting my betrayal and utter wrongness in public. bowing down to the iPhone. and heather and kivalu (our hawaii family) say to me, “well gee tara, we have the old version just sitting around, not getting used, do ya want it?” and at first i say, “oh my gosh! no, no…i cant accept that!” until i stop trying to be polite and I say, “okay. i give in. if you are just giving away FREE apple products, i can definitely take them off your hands.” after some near arguments about how RIGHT JEFF IS and the mis-representation of actual phone plan costs (and you can guess who came out victorious on that one), we spent a few minutes on the phone with AT&T and i was in business. the phone was not at all on our upcoming list of “things to make room in the budget for” so i know i am incredibly, incredibly lucky to have such giving and wonderful friends. they have literally given me a gift that has changed my life. because i now have the entire world in the palm of my hands. and in my pocket. and on my night stand. and while waiting in line at costco. and while waiting for kids to get out of school. and in bed at night when we just really need to look up exactly WHAT IS polenta anyway?


Hello Tara people.

My name is Lisa and Im a friend of Tara’s. I was somewhat perturbed by Tara’s truancy in keeping up with her blog. Who’s with me? Can I get an AMEN? She has been back from Hawaii for weeks now and we get TWO blog posts? I wanted more.

I figured this dilemma was worth an intervention. Perhaps Tara didnt know she needed help. Maybe she thought she didnt have a problem.  I decided to drive the 45 minutes up to her house and set her straight.

When I arrived she seemed happy to see me. It didn’t occur to her that I was here for a reason – I WANTED A BLOG UPDATE. I waited and acted naturally. I wanted her to feel relaxed and at ease.  We caught up while she emptied the dish washer. I chit chatted with Jefe and the kids. I even relieved myself in their bathroom  – just to make her feel like everything was cool.  After dinner, I went in for the kill.

Lisa: “Hey T, when are you going to post on your blog?”

Tara: “Eh.”

Lisa “No dude… Im serious. Just give us one picture. Anna’s cute. Just get a cute picture of her and put it up with a caption that says “Things have been busy. Here’s a picture.”

Tara: “Eh. I dont know. Anna is cute though.”

Lisa:  “I have an idea. Lets go up and do photobooth pictures of ourselves. You can blog that!”

Tara: “Are you serious?”

Lisa: “Damn skippy I am! Lets do eeeeeeettttt!”

And so… without further adieu I give you the result of my hard work and sneakery:


As I sit here proofing this post, it occurs to me that Tara is actually sitting next to me hicupping and twirling her hair… not blogging.  Foiled again.

note from tara: i approve this message. and i approve of lisa. and i approve of interventions. however, i do not appear to approve of blogging. ill work on it.