the falconbridge family • grassy field • san diego photographer

this session couldnt be more perfect for this family. everything about it is just exactly them. i told them to pack up a picnic (whatever they might normally bring to spend an afternoon outside together) and bring a few changes of clothes. they brought homemade muffins in baskets wrapped in tea towels, a guitar, a baby pram, dollies, grapes, and beautiful linens to lay on.

we drove around looking for just the perfect spot. thankfully, we found it, without too much of a wild goose chase. from the street it didnt look like much. i pointed to it as we drove by and said “that might work…”, but kept going…not trusting my gut. after about ten more minutes of looking, we came back. i dont know why, but its always stressful for me to be the one to choose the location. i always worry my gut feeling wont be right.

i adore this little family, if you are a regular reader here, you very well know. since meeting emily just three short years ago she has become a sister to me. her husband a brother to me. her children like one of my own. this june, they will most likely be heading back to their homeland of australia to get some things in order and have baby number three. we are unsure if or when they will be coming back.

my heart hurts and i try not to think about what life will be like without them so close. it is hard enough being 55 miles away from each other.

it is very bittersweet to have done this session, knowing it may very well be the last one here in the states.


i have tears in my eyes as i type and delete…type and delete…there are no words. i will just let these speak for themselves.

from emily’s home movie session

edited: i have been hand-slapped through the computer by emily who informed me i was being SO DRAMATIC and she is MOST CERTAINLY COMING BACK!

lovely lovely yellow flowers • orange county photographer

jeff reminded me a few weeks ago that every year the yellow flowers come to town and every year i say im going to take the family out in them and every year … i dont.

so last saturday we had nothing planned. and shane and rachel were coming over.

so i cooked up a little outing.

i have only just begun to work on the photos that we took, (i did a shoot with the two lovebirds and in between they shot us) and ive been sitting on these since saturday and i just cant anymore. i just have to share these because as you can imagine i look at photos like this everyday. but they never have me in them. or my husband. or my children. or OUR connection. or OUR love.

and now, thanks to jeff pushing me to do this, and shane for playing photographer, i do.



and this one, i just have no words. like i said, i am rarely in photos. i LOVE the yellow flowers. like, i love them so much my soul drinks them in with every glance i get. i drive down streets surrounded by them and i cant stop looking at them and taking in the beauty and serenity of them. they bring me peace. the beauty of them washes over me everyday from march-may. so to have this shot of me is seriously a big deal. a huge deal. we were walking back to the car and i was looking at the images quickly in the back of the camera when walking and when i came across this one i screamed out loud to jeff. the flowers, the light, the way i am looking at him (he was shooting these), the outfit rachel and i carefully chose, the crop. yes i set up the shot but he clicked at JUST THE RIGHT SECOND.


and this


you can only kind of tell that the strap of my dress had popped off when i was getting back up from laying on the ground and was tucked ever so delicately into my bra strap.

but you can TOTALLY tell how happy i was in this moment.

happy happy happy happy happy.

i love feeling happy.

just as much as i love the yellow flowers.

give-away • photographer cafe album template

GIVE-AWAY CLOSED at 8pm! winner to come shortly. putting kids to bed.

WINNER: RACHEL RUSSO! i will be emailing you a promo code rachel-thanks everyone for entering, and again, i so wish i didnt have to disappoint the rest of you! :(

june from photographer cafe, one of my advertisers, is offering an album basics template set to one of you.


if this is something that you think could benefit your business, enter away!

winner chosen this evening at 8pm PST.