the mcgarveys • still shots from the home movie session • san diego photographer


Lisa looks incredibly sexy here, in my opinion. There is something about this shot that gets me.


One of the boys brought his momma this gorgeous flower and the second she put it in her hair I knew she had to keep it in there for a few shots, little green bugs and all.


Those are some stunning eyeballs.


I love these of Finn rolling around and being him.


You know there are major Steelers fans in the house when they have the appropriate HOME and AWAY jerseys. There are MAJOR Steelers fans in this house.


Silly String attack!


These are shots from our home movie session. You can see Michel in the silly string spread. I took several shots of him this time around. It was fun to catch him in action. (Fun trivia about Michel: he just returned from Brazil, where he was filming The Jonas Brothers on tour! If you don’t know who they are, ask any girl under the age of 18. She will know.)

I love these images and I love this family. To the core. For me, a session just couldn’t get any better. Relaxed people doing their thing at home, authentic activities and location. Nothing too set up. Double whammies! Plus it helps that the momma is one of my best friends. And that the “dadoo” made me the best lobster I have ever had. These boys give me a run for my money, so the end result is always a little bit sweeter knowing what I went through to get it! :)

I know this was a big post, but I just couldn’t bare to cut anything out.

