drew bittel & her boys • at home and around town • orange county photographer

Drew hired me just before their move. She wanted me to come over and capture them in their first home before everything changed. We had a rocky start, having to reschedule several times due to heat, face scrapes, and pink eye. Time was marching on, closer and closer to their move date we crept. We started joking that the shoot was cursed and the day that it finally worked out, she warned me to be careful on my way over because neither of us would be surprised if I suddenly got a flat tire. Thankfully, I didn’t.

The spot in the house that she really wanted us to focus on was her bedroom. Momma and baby spend a lot of time together during the day, snuggling between laptop editing sessions and Madagascar. So that is where we started.


Little B, as they affectionately call him, was not in the best mood. He had either missed a nap, or hadn’t had a long enough nap…lets just say that he was not keen on the notion of a photo shoot. (But honestly, what toddler is?) You would never know by looking at these that he was an unwilling subject. I did everything I could to keep a smile on his face. If babies aren’t happy, give them what they want, I say! (I will make a fantastic grandma.) Peekaboo was the one of the first tricks I pulled from my hat.


Snuggles were also top on his list of things he wanted to do.


A quick stop in his room…


And another in the kitchen to get a drink and a little snack…


and then we were off on a little walk around their neighborhood.


Mommy + Daddy + B = 3


Another thing Drew wanted to try to incorporate was their white Ikea couch. She had an amazing maternity session (her own) where she used the couch, so she (and I) both thought it would be cool to use with B no longer in utero. And although most of the session went something like this….

“Come here, B…please cutie?….just for a second….lets go see what Mom has! Don’t you want to go jump on the couch?” etc


He was just enough of a trooper to do just enough of what we asked, so we could get the good stuff like this.


I also shared a few of the images from Drew and Chuck’s session a few weeks back, if you care to link over for a few more.

Thanks again you two, I loved every minute.



when you can’t actually see the hand rails you know it is summertime.


our laundry is upstairs, and we have taken to using these hand rails as our drying racks for many items of clothing that we don’t want to put in the dryer. in the summer months, they are almost always covered with bathing suits and towels. i love it.

posting may be sparse here over the next week or two…we have lots of bathing suits to wear out.


taking a few days off…

Just wanted to post here and let clients know that I am taking a few days off. Fri-Sun.

I have emails to respond to and a few sessions to finish up and send out, and that will all get taken care of on Monday.

For now, I have Summer to celebrate!

Also, thank you so much for the love on my family shots. I can’t wait to get them enlarged and hung up all over the house.

