bathroom graffiti | july 09

We have a small vintage chalkboard hanging up in our downstairs bathroom.

I like to think of it as my own personal brainwashing device. That whatever I may write onto it will be soaked up by the spongey brains of my children as they sit and contemplate life on the commode. I have been known to write things like:

all employees must wash their hands before returning to work. -the management
beat the day
obama for your momma
be kind
listen to your mother

However…what seems to be happening instead is that it has become a springboard for whoever happens to visit. A springboard into the funny sarcastic little wading pool that is my friends and family.

“All employees must wash their hands before returning to work (signed -the management)” becomes this:


The communist party? Hardly. Okay, well maybe. I guess we are pretty commie around here. I love how Doug and Drew were both with it enough to turn their was into WAZ. But Nate was a little short on the how to insert cool Zs into your words stick. Take note of the scratchy I heart U scribbled by Anna. This is an old board. Maybe a year old, or more. My friend Christine snapped this while at my house.

Our current brainwashing board looks like this:


It started out as a sign in board. But no one was signing in, so one morning after having watched a documentary about “herd mentality” I wrote this: “Don’t follow the crowd. Always do what you know is right.”

Apparently that would be blue agave tequila.

“Guys?” is a Southpark reference/inside joke.

I do not know whose birthday it was. Or why they chose to use numeral signs to make a heart instead of just drawing a freaking heart. Oh wait, maybe thats a clue. It was probably one of the 12 year old girls I drove to school the last week of school with Drew.

And, look up tenesmus at your own risk.

Giveaway • Jamie Schultz Designs

WINNER IS KRISTIN KOESTER, who wrote “i love it! clean, simple, minimal with refined detail. i would love to offer these designs to my seniors!” (Sorry for the late draw, I completely spaced about this! Please contact me at Kristin!)

Welcoming a new advertiser today with a giveaway!

Jamie Schultz Designs offers a wide variety of heirloom templates that clients cherish for their timeless features.  Her photo cards, books, and business collateral products provide a little bit of everything with something for everyone, whether modern, traditional, abstract or whimsical.  Jamie’s signature style consists of designs that are clean and simple with a splash of defining detail, and the products are classic so will never look outdated.

Jamie has agreed to give away one of her entire Senior Collection sets to one lucky reader here on the blog!  Reply to this blog entry for your chance to win the Senior Collection which includes: Urbanesque Book, En Vogue Cards and Cosmo Cards!

cosmo cardssenior1En Vogue Collectionurbanesque

To view the entire Senior Collection go to

Good luck!

Winner will be announced Friday at 11am Pacific.

one way to spend an afternoon that seems to be dragging on forever


we are totally into the lazy rhythm of summer over here. sleeping in, jammies all day long, video games, family movie time on our big bed, the pool anytime of day – even 9pm – which is a new one for us now that we have some bigger kids. friends coming over, A/C on at night, waking up and staying in bed with a book, lots of drawings and little anna creations floating around, sunsets on the beach, and most importantly?


answer to questions in comments:

dress is by WATI ( looove this stuff (found it here, but i got it on sale for $32 when I bought it somewhere else)

spoons are by ZAK Designs, found here.