bathroom graffiti | august 09


This is an older image that I just found, circa May 2008 when Project Runway was in full swing. I wrote “make it work” one morning before getting the kids ready for school. My morning needed a pep talk. Later, Rachel added “make it fierce.” (we both oh so loved that Christian, he was so ferosh)(And oh, what will we think now that its been bought up by Lifetime? I am so afraid but will assume the best and wait impatiently for August 20). Even later, I am pretty sure it was Emily who wrote “then flush it.”

The heart was again by Anna. (You will see this is a recurring doodle from her.)

This inspirational quote board hijack is one of my VERY favorites. I was searching through old files for a project I am working on and came across it. I was so excited to see it again and so happy that I thought to photo this back then. Now I can laugh about it forever.

