bathroom graffiti | october 09


I loved this board because it has one of my favorite compliments ever given to me written down. My friend Amy told me, after visiting for the first time, that my house looked like a farmhouse, and then wrote it on the board. I was absolutely smitten with the description. I would never have been able to see that or express it for myself, (it is so hard for me to quantify that type of thing about MYSELF), but that is TOTALLY my style as far as decorating my house goes. Farmhouse. A bit sloppy around the edges, bright, colorful, lived in, quilts, glass jars, kitchen rugs, painted peeling furniture, plants, antiques. I love that I now have a description for what I like. Thank you Amy!

Jen was also over that evening and left me a little note.

See the heart? What did I tell you?

And Sookie, well…do I really need to say more?

a six and a half year old girl emails her best friend about her new shoes.

To: Ivy
From: Anna

These are my new school shoes. They are called high tops. They came with silver glitter shoelaces but we changed to pink glitter shoelaces. I love my new shoes!

I miss you and oh, your new baby is cute. Banjo.




To: Emily
From: Tara

When she picked these it was all I could do to contain myself. They are some of the most tacky, god awful shoes I’ve ever seen but you should have seen the way her face lit up when she tried them on. They are so ugly they are cute. I die inside a little bit every time she wears them but they are starting to grow on me. Kind of like Taylor Swift. At least they don’t have Hannah Montana on them. You know I draw the line there.

(We help the girls email each other as a way to keep in touch. They also try to write/draw/create something every Sunday to ship off to their pen pal in another country.)


