jones v.2


Here is something that will certainly make you smile today:


We have another version of this shot from last year. (link below)


I love, love, LOVE these colors together. Blue trim, pink flowers.


These guys are naturals.


The first way I got the kids on my side was to promise that after the boring pictures were over, I would photo them surfing. :)


The Jones’ are Arizona natives who vacation in San Diego every summer. You can see Jones v.1 here. The boys may be a hard sell, but that little ham-bone girlie and all the laughing makes up for it. Love your family Cori and Hanifa. Thank you. I look forward to v.3. (Oh yes, boys. Another one.) :)



three year old triplets, cupcakes, & swords – a family bakery photoshoot


Favorite family shot of the day! I am pretty sure I was dancing for them here. And yes, this is pretty much the response I get when I dance. (Laughing with me, not at me, right guys?)


This shot on the left…I was setting up, looked up, saw this spontaneous kiss, got excited, snapped with the camera near the ground, and hoped that I caught it.


We left the bakery and headed to a local park for some playtime. The light was streaming through the trees and its evenings like this that make me wish I could fly. How amazing would it be to play in the sunbeams?


Those tongues and expressions crack me up. All kids do this when they are concentrating! :) These three were trying very hard not to let go of each other while racing at the same time. LOOK at brother in the back, that smile just melts me.


I am sure this busy mother of triplets feels like this on a regular basis – like she is just hanging on for dear life! But look at that gorgeous smile on her face. She loves every second, can’t you tell?


“Come on, Mom. You lift your feet up like this…”

“And then we put our arms out like this!”


The Williams family owns and runs Beverly’s Best Bakery in Fullerton, CA. They are known for their exceptional wedding cakes, creative party cakes, and delicious desserts. When you walk into the shop your senses are assaulted in all of the good ways you can imagine. Do you know how hard it was for me to shoot with a cupcake in my hand? :)

Jennifer and Dirk took over the family business for her parents, and if you go in you will find them there, ready to help. You will also find many of these images now hanging in the shop! The boys are often running around as well.

What a sweet little life.

Thanks guys!



PS: You can find a couple of other images of the boys here.

PSS: Contact info for the bakery:
3020 North Brea Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92835
