giveaway (photographer cafe)


(Suzanne – What a beautiful collection! I would love to have it!)

Suzanne-please email the Photographer Cafe team to claim your prize.

Since 2010 is just around the corner… now is a perfect time to get all your business & marketing ducks in a row!  Wouldn’t it be nice to start out the new year completely organized and to have gorgeous, cohesive branding?  (and not have to spend days/weeks/months getting it all together!)

Photographer Cafe offers a selection of modern and very versatile business & marketing collections, with the newest being their DREAMY collection.  It is DREAMY indeed with modern, elegant style and fully layered .psd files so the designs, colors and text can all be easily changed to coordinate with your business colors or images.  To help you kick off a DREAMY holiday season, they are giving away the entire DREAMY business & marketing collection (a $175 value) to one lucky winner!

For all the DREAMY details… click here to visit the Photographer Cafe blog.


Comment below to enter.  Contest ends at Sunday evening, 8pm PST.




please don’t squeeze your brother’s head \ weston family


This family is dear friends of mine. They traveled out from Utah for a session at the beach. I went to Thailand with Kari. Her husband surprised her with the trip. You can read the post on her blog here, that includes photos from the surprise phone call between all of us, when Emily and I called her out of the blue to tell her she was going on the Find Yourself trip. (You will probably want to just bookmark her blog, her writing and stories are amazing.)

You can also see more of Kari here – her photo session with me on the beach in Krabi, Thailand. Or here – random photos from the rest of our trip. Or, even here – our impromptu Thailand reunion.

But now, onto her gorgeous patchwork family. They might not match, but they certainly go together, just like the most perfect cozy quilt.


I swooned over the green motel with her green dress. And I LOVE the lines of the roof.


One little boy is a complete firecracker, a comedian, a total joy in every way. I could have eaten him sprinkled in cinnamon sugar.


And one little boy is quieter, watchful, and terribly sweet. I could have eaten him in an ice cream cone.


I really wish this was a photo of my husband and I, and that I had Kari’s legs.


“Please don’t squeeze your brothers head….!” (No brothers were harmed in the making of this photo. I think he rather liked it.)


For the love! There isn’t a happier moment in all the world, then the moment you smooshy face kiss your little one.


Kari enlarged the shot with the horizontal red stripe and plans to hang it on a narrow wall in her kitchen. She said the red stripe was going to be a great pop of color. I agree, and I hope she will take a photo so I can see it hanging up. EDITED: She obliged me! And so quickly too. She needs to give lessons to my kids.






before school \ after school

Before school:
I am groggy.
Hair is tangled.
I throw on whatever is on the floor, plus Uggs.
Ankles ache as I walk downstairs.
I never seem to get enough sleep.
Kids wake up before me. Naturally. They are early risers. (Except Mckenna.)
They get dressed, make their breakfast, wipe sleep from their eyes.
I wake up.
Take stock of how I feel.
And greet them. I ruffle the hair on their heads and squeeze them against my chest in a hug.
I do my best to wake up with a smile.
Certainly doesn’t always happen.
I get my first big cup of water of the day. I try to remember to take my vitamins.
Then I attempt to disturb the dragon (Mckenna) from her lair.
Some days are better than others.
Good days mean she wakes up and does her morning routine with little prompting. She smiles and eats and gathers her things.
Bad days mean she screeches at me the moment I turn her noise machine off. And doesn’t really stop until I force her onto the bus.
She does not like me on those days.
Bad days are hard.
It can be overwhelming to wake up, knowing you have a hormonal war zone to wade through.
Once Kenna is up, I make lunches/snacks and the younger two jump in the car with me and get dropped off.
Two down.
I get back home and wrap up any loose ends Mckenna missed, and say good-bye to Drew as he heads off with a couple friends.
(He always says, “Bye Mom! I love you!” as he walks out the door.)
I sit and wait for Mckenna to go through her routines.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Bringing catalogs downstairs, trying to sneak toys/candy/money into her backpack.
Getting money out of Jeff’s car.
Making her own breakfast.
Gathering her snack, filling her water bottle, rewinding Backyardigans five million times.
Putting her shoes on.
And this is all done in a meticulous order that must not be disturbed.
She doesn’t like to be disturbed either.
I usually check Twitter and Facebook on my phone while I wait.
Then we walk out to meet the bus.



After school:
Someone is usually grumpy and tired.
Usually that someone is Anna.
First grade is a hard transition.
The younger kids get picked up first, and we swing home just in time for Mckenna’s bus to drop her off.
She always gets the mail, always. First thing as she steps off the bus.
(I am certain she is on the bus saying “get the mail get the mail get the mail get the mail get the mail” until we do.)
Drew usually walks up just about then too.
He almost always calls and begs for a ride, but I almost always say no.
I am heartless.
We walk in the door.
Everyone plops onto the couch with relief.
Backpacks and papers and sneakers and money and snacks and sneakers and socks and trash and sneakers spurt out from their pores.
Our house isn’t large enough to hold all of it.
It has the tendency to overwhelm me, all of that sudden chaos.
All of them needing something, all at once, RIGHT NOW.
They give me their stuff. I look it over with appropriate oohs and ahhs.
I really wish our school would get with it and stop sending home duplicates with each kid.
I trip over Nathan’s backpack
We pull together a snack. We attempt something healthy and filling, but sometimes they just get a Popsicle.
Favorites snacks include:
Steamed broccoli, toast, cheese and crackers, baked potato, cut up fruit, easy mac, quesadillas, leftovers.
Somewhere in here I hit a wall of tiredness that I can’t seem to beat.
We watch TV. In zombie mode.
After a full day at school it is a welcome break for their little brains.
Then they do homework, and we all sit at our little white table and try to avoid the sticky and the crumbs.
Or the boys go into their rooms and do homework with the iDog playing music.
I think that is pretty darn cute.
Lately homework has been a breeze. No tears, no yelling at mom, no stomping to their room. I am grateful.
After all of that, we pick up the mess and try to head outside.
It is the best light of the day after all.


