giveaway \\ photojojo (fuji instax instant camera + film)

Winner is SARAH, who wrote:

“looks so fun! i would love to win one to put under the Christmas tree :)”

Sarah, I have emailed you, but the email bounced. Please contact me!



A few years ago, a friend of mine named Amy showed me this tiny little instant camera she had just purchased.

It was the Fuji Instax – and she had purchased it from a Japanese seller on ebay.

On her urging, I bought one too. However, after using it once I was dismayed to discover that what I saw through the shutter was not what the camera captured when I clicked. It was like three feet OFF. And I could never figure out the right configuration of me moving a little extra to the left to get the thing all the way on the right that I wanted to get – so I put it back in the box and left it on my shelf for two years. I got a lemon.

Then this year happened. And they were now being sold here in the USA, not just Japan. Suddenly these little cameras were popping up everywhere on photography blogs. And I was like, “Man, I will have to try one of these new ones out.” And I was all set to buy a new one, when Jennifer over at Photojojo emailed me and offered to send me one to review.

Um, yes please?

That was easy.

And then she asked me if I thought my blog readers would want to try one out. And do you know what I said?

Um, yes please!

I received mine just in time to use with the kids in San Francisco, and am happy to report that the issue I had with my first was not duplicated in the new models. Also, the new model is a bit smaller, and easier to hold and maneuver. I carried my big camera around, and Nathan and Anna carried the Fuji Instax. We took turns using it.


A mix of our favorites, taken by me, Nate, or Anna.


This camera would make a great gift for a child. This camera would make a great gift for yourself. :)

Just submit a comment via the blog to enter to win one of your own from Photojojo! The people at Photojojo are really, really, really good eggs. I support good eggs!

Winner chosen Monday morning at 9am PST.

(Remember, no facebook comments will be entered.)