giveaway! (MCP Actions Magic Blog it Boards)


Karen F. – “I love Set 2 . . . although both are looking pretty incredible!”


Laura Hartman – “I’d love set #1! Thanks for the chance!”

Girls – email me and I will forward your info to Jodi! :)

And guess what? Jodi of MCP Actions would like all of you to be winners. Remember to download the TRY ME Blog It Board FREE here.  And Jodi is offering $5 off per Blog It Board set or package through January 31st by using this code: BLOGIT5OFF.

MCP Actions is a new advertiser here and offered to do a giveaway of TWO SETS of “Magic Blog it Board” actions, shown above.

These work in Photoshop CS2, CS3 and CS4.  Retail value of each is $69.99.

There are two different sets to choose from, seen here.

Please note your preference in the comments-whether you would like to win Set 1 or Set 2.

Winner chosen Sunday evening at 8pm PST.

Good luck!


For those of you that follow my twitter feed, you know that we were in the hospital last week with this girlie.

Five years ago, on Feb 9, she was burned terribly (3rd degree burns) on over 20% of her body. She was in the ICU for two weeks in an induced coma. They put her in that coma because the pain was too great to stand awake. When they put her in that coma, they told us that there was a chance she wouldn’t wake up. For two weeks we weren’t sure she would live through, and in spite of, her injuries.

But she did.

Two long months spent in the hospital, through countless surgeries, and she lived.

Our lives were changed forever the day her t-shirt caught fire. We live with those changes everyday, and we will for the rest of our lives.

Six years later, and her suffering still isn’t complete…she had to go in for an armpit reconstruction last Tuesday. The scar tissue in her armpit has contracted to the point that she can not lift her arm to even a 45 degree angle. It had to be released and reworked. We were in the hospital through the end of the week and spent most of this weekend sleeping it off. Thankfully, her skin “took” to its new location and she is already able to move her armpit more.

Today she woke up, found me, and proclaimed, “Mom! I happy! I better!”

So we are on the road back to normal.



edited: I did my math wrong in the original post. Her accident was Feb 9 2005, which makes it five years ago, not six.