the view from my spot on the grass

I am really enjoying the longer afternoons and the summer-like weather we are experiencing this week. Mckenna requested the park after school on Tuesday. I sat on this blanket the entire time and soaked up the sunset as it washed over my incredible brood of four.

Then we went home and made basil curry chicken, broccoli (Anna calls it brock-LEE with the emPHASis on the wrong syllABle), and rice for dinner.

They only “mostly liked” the chicken.



light sabers

This little guy has parents that are so into him. And they know him, deeply. This threesome has an intense, fun, powerful to watch connection.

I’ve captured it once before.

I was thrilled when they hired me for a second time.

Shot: Sept. 09, Coronado Island. The light sabers were their idea. The second I saw the low tide I knew it would be a powerful image to use them together. Love those reflections.

