A few catching my eye this week.

Working on several sessions right now and these are a few that jumped out at me. I have known two of these clients since high school! The newborn belongs to Brett, who was a friend of mine and Jeff’s then, and still is now. The guy with the cutie on his shoulders is Bryan, the older brother of my best friend Jalayne, who was too cool for school back in the day but now I get to make him do all sorts of tricks for the sake of great family photos.



fanning the flame.

Same hill, different day – Paul Octavious : “For the past 2 years I have visited a beautiful mound of earth that I have come to call “the hill.” Each time I have come to the hill a new story is told to me as if the hill is my stage and the locals are the actors in this daily play.”  -paul

Sirens – Liz Lantz : “Sirens grew from a desire to understand a culture that I desperately wanted to be a part of as a land-locked surfer, riding the waves of Lake Michigan. When I moved to San Diego, it was both exciting and intimidating to see beaches full of people who shared my love for surfing. Popular surf media painted a picture of male-dominated world and I was surprised to see many other women in the water. In response to my own surf experiences, I set out to learn about these women and a side of surfing that is rarely exposed.” -liz

I have been feeling very pulled lately – pulled to dig deeper into what I am passionate about. Pulled to drop everything, pick up some cameras, and just….GO. Shoot for me, selfishly and seriously. Figure out what exactly it is I want my point of view to say. What do I see that no one else does? I have been pondering a lot on what I would want to focus on, what I would want to dig into.

Today I was introduced to these two photographers via blog surfing and they have just fanned the flames of my desire. Both projects appeal to me on a personal level very much, and I wanted to share them with you.

