you only live once – the photographs of Hannah

Hannah is in her first year of college, living in Portland, out on her own for the first time. Her Mom, Natalie (pictured with her here) hired me to photograph her. After getting to know Hannah during our session, I really feel that Natalie couldn’t have picked a more perfect time to have her daughter photographed. Your first independent years are so thrilling, so full of exploration and learning. It was entirely different than if she had done this for her high school senior photos. We captured her at the beginning of her new life, rather than at the end of an old one.

Hannah was unsure of the process and admittedly very shy. I understand that feeling, and so my main goal was to put her at ease and help her to feel confident in her beauty. When we met I was struck by her quiet, strong presence. I was drawn to her instantly, and would have wanted to photograph her had I seen her walking by me on the street, so I felt very lucky that she was before me so willingly.

I loved how quiet and careful she was in front of the camera. I felt honored to watch her move across the field, completely unaware of how stunning and special that she is. Natalie wiped away quiet tears as she watched us. I was often on the verge of tears myself, and I can’t quite put my finger on why. This was just one of those sessions where something special happens. I left feeling that the person I photographed gave me more than I could ever possibly give them.


Bonnie Berry and her three boys.

I wrote here about my sessions with my friend Bonnie Berry. Last week, she shared the images she took of my family on her blog. She also shared something she wrote after our time together was over. When I read it, I am overcome. Completely overcome. It is a BEAUTIFUL piece of writing, about capturing a family, and it just so happens to be about a family that I love a lot. My own.

It is too overwhelming to believe it is about us. I will cherish these moments and those words for the rest of my life. I might even print it and hang it up on my wall. :)

The time we spent together was full of everything that I really love. Honesty, feeling safe enough with a person to be yourself, laughter, mexican food, conversation you can chew on (great use of words Bonnie), beautiful light, and family time.

Here is how I saw them on our evening together at my favorite beach spot.



PS : It might be fun to look back at the first time I met Bonnie and her children in 2008.

giveaway – intothedarkroom

WINNER IS: Kasey Blickley VanderTol! Congrats!

GIVEAWAY: Free website and blog template specializes in both custom and template photography websites and photography blogs. Intothedarkroom is offering their newest website and blog template set called Naked Clove to one lucky winner for free. The flash website template is search engine optimized and iPhone/iPad/mobile ready. The blog template is a matching WordPress design.

Learn more about….
Naked clove site | Naked Clove blog

As an added bonus, Intothedarkroom is giving a 50% discount off all template sites, template blogs, and slideshows to a limited number of photographers on a first come first serve basis. With our new “Buy, Install, Play” feature, you can have your new product up and running in no time.

Discount code = JustBe
I am ready to buy at 50% off

Since I am going out of town this weekend, this giveaway is going to run an extra day.

Winner will be chosen Monday night, at midnight, PST. (Late flight home.) :)

Comment to enter. Only comments on the blog will apply to the giveaway. If you are reading this on Facebook, click here to leave a comment.

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