Jax \ 5 weeks \ at home

Before and After, in the bathroom:

Jax is the son of my best friends, Jalayne and Justin. You can see the progression of their life together here and here and here.

I spent a weekend with them in May, documenting what their days were like with newborn Jax. I set out to photograph the things that I wish had been photographed for me when I had new babies. Putting together a new swing, breastfeeding and cuddles, soothing a tired little man, before and afters…

We also went to Justin’s woodworking shop on our last day together, to capture the family in another personal, special kind of place. Those will be posted tomorrow.

I love these pictures, I love him, and I love them. With all of my heart.



stacy & ruth ann are completely in love

Their love was palpable and right out there for the taking. I was honored to be trusted with it. I am so happy for them.

We went strawberry picking, because they are passionate about good food and healthy living. I thought it would be a good match for them. (And it was.) The light was so beautiful we had to go to the beach, too.



Human Rights Campaign : http://www.hrc.org/