man i am a zombie today. the kids were late to school, i forgot book money for the book fair, and didnt have time to pack a lunch for nathan, who doesnt like to buy. to make it up to him i told him i would take everyone to get a shake after school. and […]
Category Archives: Life
little girls, little girls, everywhere i turn i see them
emily, ivy, and yindi came over yesterday. em needed some new headshots and other photos for a couple of projects she is working on, and we havent really had a chance to hang out like the good old days in a couple of months. we easily fell right back into our normal routine of laying […]
six years ago
she wasnt potty trained, she wasnt speaking in sentences, she wasnt reading, writing, doing math, playing tuba in music, playing soccer with friends at recess, buying her own lunch and putting in her own lunch code, singing whole entire spongebob theatrical score’s at the top of her lungs on the arm of the couch, slamming […]